Problem #: 1;   Scoring: IMPS;   Vul: None;   Dealer: East


























Tom Gandolfo


P   Nothing to make me think 6nt is better and it's imps...


Duncan Smith


6D   Feels like a rookie error to bid anything other than pass, but I guess I'm a rookie at heart. I really want to pass 6c, but am too wooosy to do so.


Ray Grace


6D    When in doubt bid. This bid has the advantage of being a suit and an ACE. Does anyone have a specific agreement as to what a cue bid in this sequence means? 


Kiz Fung


7C   Not to be accused of being the only girl on the panel and therefore without balls. If partner and I are on the same wavelength, partner has 7 or 8 solid clubs and a spade void.  Hopefully partner also has the king of hearts or jack of diamonds?


Doran Flock


6D   Maybe I'm a chicken because it sure sounds like my partner has a good club suit and 1st round control in spades ... however, if they do perhaps they will be forced to bid 7C.


Doug & Lorna


6D   Not sure what partner is up to, but will cooperate by showing the Ace of Diamonds.


Vince Nowlan


6D   North should have two suits for this auction.


Vince Lambert


6NT   I definetely have undescribed extras and we can probably make seven if partner has a spade void or the ace.  However he has not promised that as yet.  He will have a good club suit but 6N gives us the option of making without having to set up the entire club suit.



6  . I agree with Mr. Nowlan. To borrow an expression from golf when there is “not much green to work with” say at the 4 level or higher , Q bids by the doubler or his partner should show a two suiter. Why ? because two suiters are damn impossible to bid at high levels. If partner has a strong one suiter , he should have to pick a level and just bid it. Having said all that , I agree with Duncan Smith in that partner has made me “woosy” . Why did he not just jump to 5NT if he had a strong two suiter in the minors ? I am bidding 6 as insurance and forcing him to 7♣ if he does not have diamonds. $%%#$%% L


VOTES :  P (1)        6NT (1)         7♣ (1)       6 (6)




Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   West




















Tom Gandolfo


5H   Asking for diamond control.  Trusting pard to have good clubs. I have AKQJ10x of clubs , is that not good ?


Duncan Smith


5H    If they don't cash 2 diamonds, slam is probably cold. 5h commands pard to pass with no diamond control, bid 5nt with dK, bid 6D with A or(unlikely) void.


Ray Grace


3H   Followed by 4S looking for a D control. I notice that 2D is alerted , I wonder what the alert is.


Kiz Fung


3D   There was a star beside 2D but no explanation so I am assuming a weak 2 diamond opener. 


Doran Flock


5H    5H asks for second round diamond control. If partner bids 6D I will bid 6S, trying to angle for 7nt. I can play 7C, 7H, or 7NT.


Doug & Lorna


5H    Partner will Pass with 2 fast Diamond losers, raise to 6 Hearts with a stiff Diamond, bid 5 NT with Kx of Diamonds(which I would raise to 6 NT), bid 7 Hearts with void or Diamond Ace.


Vince Nowlan


3H   If partner has 2nd round diamond control, 6C should be cold; if 1st round control, possible 7. Since I can't ask for a diamond control in clubs, I'll stall with 3 H; maybe partner has three hearts and can raise to 4H. Then 5H will focus on diamond control.


Vince Lambert


3H   I play this as forcing, the real problem will come on the next round. A 3 diamond cue bid here would cause confusion later in the auction when partner expects a diamond control.



5    A jump to the 5 level is so silly in Bridge that it has a meaning assigned to it. If the opponents have bid , it asks for a control in their suit. Pass with no control , bid 6 with a stiff , bid 5NT with the king and bid 6 of their suit with an Ace or void. An elegant solution to this problem as the majority of this panel points out.


VOTES :  5 (5)        3 (1)          3 (3)




Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   South
























Tom Gandolfo


3D  This is for forcing unless you have a special understanding that it isn't. If it isn't I would just bid 3nt.


Duncan Smith


3NT  Seems somewhat obvious. Ergo, I miss the point of this problem. In match points , partner might prefer bidding 2NT as a practical bid with a club stopper instead of raising diamonds. K109x xx Kxxx AJ10  ergo I can construct a zillion other 2NT hands where 6 is cold ..


Ray Grace


3D   Forcing (I play all bids forcing over 2NT) and 3S if available.


Kiz Fung


3D   Should be forcing and very constructive. If partner gives a heart preference, I'll bid 3 spades to suggest the doubleton honour.


Doran Flock


3D    3D is easy for me as I play if you have a poor hand you must pass 2nt. I can play 4H, 5 or 6 D or 3nt.


Doug & Lorna


3NT   Rebidding the diamond suit would show a weaker 5/5 hand.


Vince Nowlan


3S     Choice of games, shows stiff club, so if partner bids 3NT, should be fine.


Vince Lambert


3D    As Peter Jones says everything is forcing over 2N except when it isn't.  With a weak 5-5 I would just pass and hope for the best.



3    This is a match point vrs IMPS problem. In IMPS , all bids after an invitational 2NT should be forcing as you do not try to improve partials. In Matchpoints , a partial is as important as 7NT so improving the partial is a must. I agree with the Deschners that 3 shows a weak 5-5 in matchpoints or else you bid 3NT. I can bid 3 forcing in either game because I have a 3♣ relay bid available with my partners. The 3♣ bid relays to 3 and I put the green card on the table. Ergo ( I like that word thanx Duncan ! ) 3 directly is very strong and if partner is interested we can attempt a slam.


VOTES: 3NT (2)     3 (6)      3 (1)







Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   South




























Tom Gandolfo


6C  He's looking for an ace and i don't have one. not bidding 6nt because he could have a heart void.


Duncan Smith


5NT  If this doesn't show this spade holding(as opposed to gsf), I need a new partner.


Ray Grace


5NT   No Aces, for play if partner only has 2 Aces.


Kiz Fung


5NT  I did not cue bid over 4 clubs (a bid that demanded a cue from me) so I have already shown this piece of garbage.  I'll now tell partner I have all the kings.


Doran Flock


5NT  5nt denies a major suit ace but outside of that is forward going; club Q you know. In this auction I am telling, not asking.


Doug & Lorna


6C   Wouldn't 3 Clubs be forcing? Why not use 4 Clubs as Key Card? Sounds like partner is looking for a Grand. I have no Aces.


Vince Nowlan


5NT   Nothing to Q-bid, more encouraging than 6C. Club Queen is a big card.


Vince Lambert


6C    Partner is making a grand slam try but if he had all the aces he could have bid blackwood.  If he has a void, presumably in hearts, my hand is not especially helpful.




5NT . 5NT in Bridge is a “depending on context” bid if there ever was one. It can mean the GSF , pick a slam partner or a Q bid. In the context of this particular auction , 5NT is a Q bid showing the spade king. 5 spades would be the spade Ace so 5NT substitutes as a spade Q bid. No Duncan , you do not need a new partner as 5NT does show this spade holding.


VOTES: 6♣ (3)       5NT (6)





Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   N/S ;   Dealer:   North
















Tom Gandolfo


4C  Pass could be right and then go for penalty in matchpoints but we're vul and we still might have a spade game. or more on a good day.


Duncan Smith


4C  Neg x ridiculous. Preempts work. If we belong in 3nt, c'est la vie.


Ray Grace


Dbl   4C My first inclination is to bid 4C. 3NT maybe the speed of the hand. 4S may be correct. I really want to bid 3H My second inclination is to bid 3H and correct to 4S but 3H I will correct to 4S and apologise to partner if he does not get the joke in time.I  have compromised with Double. Pass puts too much pressure on partner who had 5332 shape. We may hit the bonus 12 count with 5341 shape that passes 3Dx. No makeable game and 3D is getting hit by a train.


Kiz Fung


4C   A cute tool for established partnerships is that after this sequence, 4NT by partner is to play and 4D (their suit) is key card for clubs.


Doran Flock


4C   Sure I would love to double and have ptnr bid 3nt ... but if they do, have we just missed 7? Or more likely, partner will bid hearts or spades. While my diamonds are unappealing, my clubs are excellent and I'm not prepared to prejudge this hand yet, matchpoints or no.


Doug & Lorna


4C   The other person who lives in this house would "take HIS chances" and bid 3 NT.  Must be a male macho thing . See below.


Vince Nowlan


3NT  I don't want to risk partner passing 3D with a minimum and diamond value(s). Tougher problem at IMPs.


Vince Lambert


4C  With 3 diamonds I expect at most two in partners hand and am willing to move towards a game or slam in clubs or perhaps even spades.  Although 3N might be the right spot it would be just a guess and even at matchpoints you sometimes have to give up on it.



Dbl   Marty Bergen writes that he is sick and tired of getting pre-empted out of his rightful 3NT contracts. Accordingly he has modified his negative doubles at the 3 level to include these kind of hands. His partners must bid 3NT with a stopper in the opponents pre-empt suit as the first reflex action. If no stopper , just bid naturally and 4 of a minor by the doubler  just brings you back to square one. He calls them THRUMP doubles . ( click on this link for his write up )


VOTES:  3NT (1)     4♣ (6)          Dbl (2)     






Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   West


















Tom Gandolfo


P  Call me a wimp but this hand looks like we could get into trouble unless i start slow. If pard rebids his hearts I will raise.  If you pass first and pard doubles four spades I have no problem but if you bid something first and he doubles he might just expect a trick or two from you.


Duncan Smith


2H  A mediocre solution to a very difficult problem. I don't think there is an auction pending that I will enjoy. With your spade void you know what RHO is bidding …


Ray Grace


2C This is a 5 loser hand opposite a 1 heart bid. I am playing the had in C or maybe in Hearts if partner raises clubs. Without a Club raise it is too easy to lose the C suit. This is an interesting hand, slam is more likley to make than game. Partner rates to be 3541 or 4540.Some people may be able Double and then bid C to show this hand.


Kiz Fung


2H  The next bid on my right is probably 4 spades. If partner doubles, I will sit for it. If partner passes, I am bidding 5 clubs


Doran Flock


2H  I seriously thought about 5C but as bid wasn't available settled for 2H with plan to introduce clubs later (or not). Will hear from leftie if they have spades, if partner has them 2H is high enough.


Doug & Lorna


2C   Am very happy I am now sitting east and don't have to bid with that north player. Can now bid more naturally.


Vince Nowlan


2C    Pass is an option, but too many of the possible auctions will be at the 4-level at my next turn.BTW why am East? thought I was sitting South!  Musical chairs for directional challenged panelists ..


Vince Lambert


2H  This hand is not nearly as good as it looks unless partner has extra strength.  I would be much more aggressive with a fourth heart.  I expect that we will hear some number of spades from west next.  I can back in with clubs later and hopefully get the message across.



3♣    Wow an entire panel of splinter fanatics ! The Bridge World did a survey of experts for Bridge World Standard 2001 and the majority said they preferred a jump in competition to show a weak jump shift . I personally do not like splinters in competition as it prevents me from bidding my long suits or it overstates my 2/1 values. If a 2/1 shows 6 HCP , what do you do with a real 2/1 ?  I also feel that splintering gives away too much info to the opponents. Anyway 3♣ describes my hand in one fell swoop and over the expected 4 bid by the opponents and a pass by partner , I will force the issue with a 4NT bid. This tells partner I have heart tolerance and I really want to bid again. Partner , knowing my hand , might solve the problem for me though and place the contract in 6♣ J.


VOTES: 2♣ (3)       P (1)      2 (4)      3♣ (1) 





Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   North
















Tom Gandolfo


4H  It's not a pre-emp. I think I have enough to make 4h. Four clubs should show a stiff so not bidding that.


Duncan Smith


4C  Pard. We have at least a heart game. Best I can do. Close between this ? overbid, & 3 hearts.  That’s the problem with this hand. One bid is an overbid the other an underbid.


Ray Grace


3S This is forcing and I pass 3NT. Bid H over 4C or D and pass 4S.



Kiz Fung


3S   My second choice is 4 hearts. I want to tell partner where I live in case they decide to sacrifice in 5 clubs. Good logic ..


Doran Flock


4H  Thought about doubling, but will make slight underbid of 4 hts. Don't want partner raising spades with Kx or Jx.


Doug & Lorna


4C  Shows game values with heart support.


Vince Nowlan


4C   3S might endplay partner into raising with a doubleton. 3H isn't enough; 4H shows more hearts. Over 4C, partner can show interest in more than game with a 4D (last train) bid. This should keep us from getting too high.


Vince Lambert


4C    I will show my heart support with strong game interest as opposed to a direct jump to 4 hearts that I would choose if slightly weaker. If partner moves I will be happy to cooperate.



4   A good rule in Bridge is that you do not pre-empt over a pre-empt . As Tom & Doran point out ,  a 4 bid is to make . It is also an “anticipatory” bid as LHO might bid 5♣ and my bid turns on forcing passes for partner. I think 4♣ or 3 overstates my values in an auction that could take off. 3 is a gross underbid so 4 seems to be about right.


VOTES :  4 (3)      4♣ (4)     3 (2)





Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   East
























    What is your opening lead ?





Tom Gandolfo


HA  Pard must have something over there besides the heart Q. We are vul..



Duncan Smith


S8  This is what I would lead if it were really my lead. Suspect that partner will lead a heart. Diamond would be 2nd choice if it were actually my lead.



Ray Grace


HA  It is not my lead but if I was to lead out of turn (legally) assuming that declarer faced his hand I would try the HA and then the HJ. I fixed the confusion eventually …



Kiz Fung


HJ  Partner is vul so rates to have an entry outside of the heart suit. Hopefully, I am not giving declarer the 9th trick.



Doran Flock


S8  Really tough problem. Is a heart lead their 9th trick? do we need to knock out heart stopper? Will I block heart suit if I lead Ace, or small? Declarer could easily have 9 tricks in minors so I'll try spade and hope that ptnr gets in and declarer can't read heart suit if they have K3d.(would partner bid 2H vul with Q high no J, heart suit? I'm gambling a bit that West has Q3d. I won't be happy if they have Qx!)



Doug & Lorna


HA Since West bid 3NT, partner must not have both K and Q of hearts, but should have an entry somewhere else. If I lead a different suit, pard may not know to switch to hearts when s/he's in. 


Vince Nowlan


HA  We're not beating 3NT if partner doesn't have an outside entry. I lead the A rather than the J because I don't expect to be on lead again. Jack lead could give partner a problem when if he does get in, since he may play me for some other card. BTW now I'm North! can I shift seats this easily at other forms of Bridge?


Vince Lambert


HA  If West has a heart stopper then partner has an entry.  The opponents may have stretched to game and if so we must beat it.  I expect the club suit to come in quickly for 4 or five tricks so hopefully partner has a pointed suit entry once the hearts are set up.



HA   Can not say it any better than the directionally challenged panelist Vince Nowlan.


VOTES :  HJ (1)      S8 (2)       HA (6)