Problem #: 1;   Scoring: IMPS;   Vul: None;   Dealer: North
































Doran Flock


4C  Will make aggressive bid based on 3 controls and good diamond fit. Not positive about ptnr's 3 club bid ... it sounds like they are 2 1 6 4. If they are, then KQ 6th, A of clubs and a black king = 6 or 7 diamonds.


Tom Gandolfo


4D  I suppose six could be in danger on a diamond lead but I'm giving it one more shot.  Pulling partners 3NT to his minor is KCB correct ?


Duncan Smith


4D  At least one more try for slam. Partner can bid 4nt(not blackwood) if not interested. Sympathy with the direct pragmatic bid of 6 diamonds.


Vince Nowlan


P   I've shown at most a stiff club, and partner wants to play 3NT. Not sure 5 diamonds is even cold.


Kiz Fung


4C   Partner has shown a weak 6-4. With xx, x, KQxxxx, Axxx, and a non-trump lead, slam has possibilities. I want partner to cue bid a major suit control.  If partner bids 4D(not keycard!), I will sign off in 5 diamonds.   


Vince Lambert


4D  Partners failure to bid 2 NT over 2 spades suggests that the club stopper is not very robust.  Since I have all the aces it is not surprising that partner is unwilling to move past 3N.  He is very likely to hold a 3163 hand (no 3 Heart bid) which will play very well across from this so I am willing to seek a slam


Stan Cabay


4C  Why did partner not bid 2N or 3N on the previous round? Partner’s 3C followed by 3N means partner is either making a mild slam try with something like Kx,xx,KQxxxx,Axx or is trying to right side a NT contract with Axx in clubs opposite Qx in my hand, say. (With a minor suit fit or no fit the first priority below 3N should be to probe for a NT contract; it therefore makes sense to use a bid of the fourth suit as directional showing a partial stopper (Jxx, or better)). In either case, the ruffs in clubs make a diamond contract preferable to a NT one. 4C is an unambiguous Q-bid showing first or second round control; the rest is up to partner.


Doug & Lorna


4D   Partner has a weak 6-4. I'll give him one last chance to show some life .


Ray  Grace


4D  RKC by my methods. Partner appears to be 2164 with a bad hand. The Club holding may be wasted. We need to determine if partner has Kx x KQxxxx Axxx or something worse. I do not like 3NT on a Heart lead. A trump lead might beat 7D but likley we can come to 2D 8D 2H and C on a trump lead. The diamond J and 9 are important cards.The problem is going to be whether we also have a S loser. Can partner have Kxxx x KQJxxx Kx. If so we will get a 4H response to 4D and then we will bid 4S.  The problem is will partner bid 6 Spades over 4S with the KQxx of Spades?  



4   Partner can have a bad hand for you with horrible duplication of value in clubs which gives 6 no play. But what does it hurt to explore with 4 KCB ? 4NT has to make with this diamond support if we get a bad response from partner. Not making one try and just giving up undermines the usefulness of KCB as a bidding tool. You bid 4 and hear 5♣ which is two aces with the queen of trump. 6 should now be a baby slam. All the ugly responses are at the 4 level ! One Ace is not enough to you sign off in 4NT . No Aces of course is not enough and if partner bids 4NT it is two Aces without the queen. This is the coin toss decision which I would probably pass due to the likelihood of duplication of values in clubs. Why be totally pessimistic and pass 3NT when you have such a great tool at your disposal ?


VOTES:   4♣ (3)      P (1)   4 (6)




Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   North




















Doran Flock


Dbl  Will make mild game try with a double. my distro. isn't great, but my points look well placed and ptnr probably has a doubleton spade.


Tom Gandolfo


3H  This depends on what you are playing. if not playing support dbls. I will dbl.  Good logic . if partner has only 3 trump ,the option to pass the double is big when you play the double as penalty orientated.


Duncan Smith


Dbl   In the words of our wonderful director , D.S.I.P. This is "our hand" & double is the best way to let partner know that. I'll be crushed if this bid is not endorsed by Mr. Crosby.  Dammit . One season on the panel and Duncan has me pegged.


Vince Nowlan


P    Pass. Since 3 of a minor game try isn't allowed by the moderator, I guess I'll just pass. I don't play support doubles, so partners 2H bid could be made on three hearts. Some might play a double to show this cheese, but not me! Yes , when partner is not allowed to pull your type of doubles , I agree J.


Kiz Fung


4H   A bit aggressive, but it looks like my cards are working.


Vince Lambert


4H  Partner has at most 2 Spades so at IMPs I get to game.  Happy enough to double if they sacrifice.  Another plus is that we might get a sacrifice even when game is not making.


Stan Cabay


Dbl   If we do not play support X’s (so partner may have only 3 hearts), the double is not penalty, but rather it is competitive (DSIP, if you will). It shows extra values with reasonably good defensive prospects and no clear direction about what to do. It denies a trump stack, instead promising 2 or 3. If we do play support X’s (so partner shows 4 hearts), I like the X to mean that they took away your bid in whatever game try methods we use. Interesting nuance.


Doug & Lorna


4H  I assume support doubles. Should have a play for game here.


Ray  Grace


Dbl  Double Clearly not penalty but suggests this balances 11 count. Partner may be in a position to pass or revaluate their 1453 shape and bid game. Consider the rock that partner needs to make 4H with a 2443 shape - Say we have 2 Spade , then we need 8 winners out of the remaining 9 tricks. Plus 300 may be the speed of the hand. 



DBL  As Duncan & Doran point out , a double in this particular auction is D.S.I.P. and a game try rolled into one bid. It can not be trump stack so it should just show the balance of power HCP type of double. Its like making a game try 3 bid as opposed to a competitive 3 bid.


VOTES:  4 (3)       P (1)     Dbl (5)        3 (1)




Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   East

























Doran Flock


4NT  I don't get good results passing on these auctions. So I bid, showing a 2 suiter ... will pull 5C to 5D showing diamonds and hearts. Possibly we are cold for slam ... I could pull this bid with less. I am not going to bid 6 ... maybe ptnr will?


Tom Gandolfo


5H  I play this as showing values. Expect to make   Yes , 4NT as Lebensohl is a handy tool.


Duncan Smith


4NT  I like to take out partner's t.o. doubles. 4nt best option , saying 2 places to play. Will pass 5 of either red suit , correct 5 clubs to 5 diamonds. I used to pass this hand , but experience has told me passing is wrong.


Vince Nowlan


P  EW may be on a nine-card fit; even with a 10-card spade fit, the Law of Total Tricks indicates a pass. (eighteen total trumps, if we make a 5 level contract, they will be down three in 4S)


Kiz Fung


5H  If partner is 1-4-4-4, I want to decide on the contract. Second choice is 4NT (but I am a hand hog)


Vince Lambert


P   No assurance we can make 5 even though we may be cold for 6, pre-empts work.  If I chose to bid it would be 4N, correcting 5C to 5D to allow partner to pick from the reds.


Stan Cabay


P   Although partner has good hand, the 5-level may not be safe. For example, 5H might go down if partner is protecting with something like x,AKxx,AQxx,Kxxx and diamonds break badly. I’ll take a plus, which may be substantial. With a truly great hand or a void in spades, partner might have tried 4N which according to standard conventions is a 3-suited takeout; reserving 4N to show a 2-suiter is redundant here assuming Michaels and 2N unusual could have been deployed earlier with big hands.


Doug & Lorna


4NT  Looks right to bid. I'll pull clubs to diamonds to show hearts too. This should show a stronger hand than just bidding 5.


Ray  Grace


P   Pass This is often a tank at the table followed by a tentative of 5H or 5D. Partner rates to be 1453 or 1444 or worse.  If one applies the law of total tricks then we have 8 trump and they have 10 so 18 trumps. If we can take 11 tricks they can take 7 so 4 Spades rates to go down 3 if we can make 5 and 2 if we are going down at the 5 level.   



Pass   Partner is the clue to this hand. if partner had an extremely offensive hand , he would force you to bid with a 4NT call rather than a double. Partner is just announcing extra HCP’s with his double. You have a defensive flat hand as opposed to an offensive one. No guarantee that you make anything at the 5 level with your 4 card suits. Pass and take your plus. 


VOTES:   5 (2)      P (5)      4NT (3)




Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   Match Points;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   West


























Doran Flock


2S  Can't bid 3D natural, so will underbid 2S. 2H doesn't guarantee spade tolerance.


Tom Gandolfo


3S   I really don't know how to show this hand so i'll be waiting for the panels help on this one. Diamonds could very well be our best fit if west opened a 4432. 4h may still be the right game.


Duncan Smith


P   If there is a plus score available , this is probably the last chance. Expect pard to be able to single in some small hearts , cards that would be useless in any other contract. Thinking is an overbid. If my system says 2 hearts is forcing , it's time for a new system. A system that plays non forcing rescues for overcalls should be alerted.


Vince Nowlan


2NT   A minimum rebid even though I have extra values, since there is no obvious source of tricks.


Kiz Fung


2S   Matchpoints and a misfit, means keep this auction as low as possible.  Yes , there is a time for even overbidders to underbid.


Vince Lambert


2S  OK, who put the board on the table backwards again. I only know how to bid the south cards. This bid feels ridiculous but at matchpoints the key is to go plus.  On this misfit I will go very slowly. Partner did not have enough for a 1 Heart call so must have some spade tolerance.


Stan Cabay


2NT  Assuming 2H is forcing, I have to bid something. Since 1S doesn’t show much at this vulnerability at matchpoints, 2S now is way too much of an underbid (even though this might be the last chance for a plus score). 2N probably won’t make if partner passes, but partner might bid again. If 2H were non-forcing showing a long heart suit, I would take a deep breath and pass (pluses are paramount in matchpoints)!


Doug & Lorna


2S  Object to 1S. Pass followed by spade bid would show this hand. I've boxed myself into a corner with no good bid available. Agreed . That is an excellent understanding to have J


Ray  Grace


2S If my D2 was the S2 this would not be a problem. Now I can bid 3N over and non Spade raise. If partner shows a fit and Diamond shortness then we may have slam but it will be tough unless partner has 3 very good Spades or solid hearts.



2NT  Obviously no right bid on this hand. I do play 2 forcing one round after an overcall so I must come up with something. I want to make a bid that tells partner I not impressed with hearts but I do have HCP’s so I make the “best lie” of 2NT. There is no bid invented that shows 6 of the opponents suit. I like the Deschner’s treatment for this hand.


VOTES:  P (1)         3 (1)       2 (5)     2NT (3)        




Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   E/W ;   Dealer:   East
























Doran Flock


Dbl  Try to take advantage of vulnerability. Would like better hearts but have good hand strength.


Tom Gandolfo


1NT  Pard has diamonds so this just shows 15-18 range and flat hand. if they bid again he'll know what to do.


Duncan Smith


1NT  A forcing pass would be great , but pass here is NOT FORCING. 1nt feels like a good description. Would pass with same hand missing spade queen & club king.


Vince Nowlan


3NT  Looks like partner accepted the 1D bid out of turn because he had a diamond trap; unfortunately our agreements don't put a lower limit on that action. Now EW may have found a nine-card fit, so I don't expect a big set in 1HX. 3NT because it's matchpoints, even though 5D is likely the safest (maybe only) game.


Kiz Fung


3NT  I am pretty sure that I can make 3NT. I don't want to gamble that I can set a 1 level contract 2 tricks to get a top when I only have 3 trump.


Vince Lambert


Dbl   Partners expects three hearts but not this strenght.  It will be impossible for partner to reopen with a double with only two so I will chose to defend against vul opps.


Stan Cabay


Dbl  Hoping for 500, but 200 might be sufficient. Must go for the jugular in matchpoints when the opportunity presents itself. I prefer pass if this is forcing (my choice), suggesting defense and requesting partner’s input.


Doug & Lorna


P    I hope this forcing, although not clear. Will q bid later if partner reverts to diamonds then 3 NT.  According to classic forcing pass theory it is not. ( Bridge World )


Ray  Grace


Dbl   Double I have extras, partner can evaluate their had knowing that I have an above average hand. Sometimes partner is 1462 and wants to play 1 Heart doubled. More likely partner will retreat to NT and I can raise. All finesses appear to be onside if partner can get to their hand.



Dbl  As Duncan points out , partner converting the double does not turn on forcing passes. Therefore , I must do something now. The vulnerability and matchpoint game leads me to make the more swingy bid of a double rather than a sane number of any denomination of NT bids. At least partner has another chance to bid and may pull the double to some number of diamonds if his hand not suited for a one level penalty.


VOTES:  3NT (2)     P (1)     1NT (2)       Dbl (5)




Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   West






















Doran Flock


6H  Ptnr has 6 (or 5) spades and a couple or so diamonds which leaves them with 5 (or 6) cards in my suits. Double is highly unusual, and I'm inclined to believe them. I think ptnr must have some heart tolerance to have doubled 5D so I bid 6H, passing up club suit which just doesn't look right, particularly if we need a couple of diamond ruffs and hearts never get set up. Look at the bright side, 6H might make!


Tom Gandolfo


6C   I think he has a big black hand so I'm bailing out to clubs. prob.5125 or 5215. If not I'll take the heat. Wouldn't be the first time, right Piotr ?


Duncan Smith


P  Pass. Predicting a unanimous panel is historically suicidal , so I won't. In my humble opinion , to do other than pass is playing superman , not partnership bridge.


Vince Nowlan


6C   I expect two suits from partner; I don't have enough to jump.


Kiz Fung


P     I really want to bid 6 clubs, but I hate scrambling at the 6 level. Partner can't have great spades, because (s)he did not overcall directly, but partner does not promise clubs either. So, toss a coin and take our lumps. 


Vince Lambert


6C   We are in trouble, partner has guessed wrong to compete over 5D.  Partner can not have only spades as that would have fetched 5 or 6 Spades initially.  I intend to run back to my seven card suit when doubled but wishful thinking maybe someone will forget to double.


Stan Cabay


6C   Sounds like partner has a black 2-suiter and righty the majors. In that case, 6C should play 2 or 3 tricks better than 5S (surely, they would lead a trump against 5S). How much strength does the X of 5D promise? I expect great variations in agreements even among the experts. 


Doug & Lorna


P   I think I've shown my hand and may well take a couple of tricks for partner. That’s what Kokish did when the hand was played.


Ray  Grace


Pass Partner has some good hand and may even raise Hearts but I have 2 trump and a void. Spades may be 6520 but I cannot imagine making 6C even if I envision partner being 6 1 2 4. I am not sure that 6C will be any better than 5S doubled> The short trump hand is ruffing Diamonds. 



5NT  When you are in trouble , a bid of NT is a “scrambling NT” . Bid initially it normally means I have a couple of suits so lets start scrambling to find our best fit. A belated scrambling NT bid means my first suit is much longer than my other suit a 6-4 or a 7-4. Using a Vince Nowlan expression , this is what I have. This is a real hand from a Kokish/Nagy disaster . Partner is AKxxxx Ax xx AQx and 6 with a 3-1 break has a chance ( black suit squeeze ) for one down ( 2-2 a chance to make ) . 5X got beat up pretty badly with the spade queen lead ( -800 ).


VOTES:  6♣ (4)       P (4)     6 (1)    5NT (1)



Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   South




















Doran Flock


Dbl  Start with double, don't expect ptnr to pass but it is okay if they do. Looking for 5 card heart suit from ptnr, otherwise will bid 5C.


Tom Gandolfo


4C  Four hearts could work but I'm not bidding it yet. Pard can bid diamonds if he is still in game somewhere, then I'll try hearts. could very well have a club slam but you won't get there if you don't bid clubs.


Duncan Smith


4H  4 hearts. A good Moysian. May miss some slams, but 4 hearts takes all pressure off partner. 3nt is a very sick bid , double is too scientific in a non science situation.


Vince Nowlan


Dbl   I think this shows extra with 3 hearts - just what I have.


Kiz Fung


Dbl  Responsive, double should show this hand


Vince Lambert


4H  It's matchpoints and the 4-3 should play nicely, if partner holds a club card.  If not there is no reason partner can't hold 5 or more hearts with a weaker hand.


Stan Cabay


4H   What does X mean here? When the opponents show a 10 or 11 card fit, we are unlikely to have a trump stack. So, it must show extra values (cards). What about length in partner’s suit? The X could show (1) some length in partner’s suit as with this hand, uncertainly about the correct denomination (the DSIP double again), and be highly takeout suggestive; or, (2) shortage in partner’s suit as with Ax,x,KQxx,AKxxxx and be very suggestive of defense. You can’t have it both ways; a partnership must decide. I prefer the latter agreement since otherwise there is no bid available to describe the defensive hands as in the example above. Then, with an offensive hand as in the current problem I must do something else. I choose 4H since this provides the greatest reward if it makes; the Moysian should play well.


Doug & Lorna


Dbl  I do have a good hand,can't commit to final contract. Hate to bid a see partner with club shortage, a spade piece where they're going for 800 and we can't make the time of day . Yes , doubles are a very very versatile bid.


Ray  Grace


Double I have a good Hand Partner cannot play me for Spades and may bid 3NT. I think that I am suggesting that I have 3 Hearts and a desire to compete,. Sometimes partner looks at his Kqj9 of spades ad passes. People preempt on crap these days.




DBL   Good analysis by Stan on the meaning of his treatment for a double. My understanding of a double over an opponents jump raise is that it is offensive in nature ( all D.S.I.P. doubles suggest bidding whereas penalty doubles do not ) . It means I have HCP’s and mild support for partners suit or suits. The double is better than 4♣ in my opinion in that it describes my HCP’s right away and gives partner the option to pass with a stiff club and some wastage in spades. Tom Gandolfo is right in that you may miss a club slam , but a double is the most flexible bid as you get to a red suit fit or partner converting for penalty.


VOTES:  4 (3)       4♣ (1)       Dbl (6)




Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpoints;   Vul:   Both;   Dealer:   East



























* splinter

    What is your opening lead ?





Doran Flock


S8 They splinter, I lead trump to try and reduce diamond ruffs.



Tom Gandolfo


S8  Cut down on the crossruff.



Duncan Smith


HJ  M-P's Diamond Q to (a)hold the overtrick (b)confuse partner (who holds a blizzard)IMPS Heart Jack looks as good as anything. I'll be amazed if there is a lead to beat 6 spades. I've always been weak on opening leads, so I'm keen to hear what's best , &  why.



Vince Nowlan


CQ  Since partner again accepted a bid out of turn, I expect a club trap! Not a spade lead since it could give up a trick, (dummy has two Key Cards and the Spade Q). If East wants to ruff many diamonds, perhaps partner can overruff. 



Kiz Fung


HJ   I have this feeling that a trump lead is being requested (following the rule, always lead a trump if there is a splinter), however, I have this feeling that the Jx could give away the trump suit. At the table, I would lead the heart jack, so I can't change my style in master solvers. 



Vince Lambert


S8   Looks like a crossruff to me. West has shown the queen of spades, so may as well hold on to the jack for potential nuisance value. 



Stan Cabay


DK  Dummy may be 2-1 in the red suits and I don’t want to lose our diamond trick if partner has the Ace, perhaps allowing declarer to safety play the clubs.  For example, on a non-diamond lead, with AQxx, Kx,x,AKxxxx opposite KTxx,AQxx,xxx,xx declarer can pull 2 rounds of trumps, throw a diamond on the third heart and then play A of clubs followed by small clubs from both hands. Incidentally, what does X of a splinter mean? I like it to be a lead director of the next higher suit (hearts here), except on favorable vulnerability when it would show length in the suit in search of a sacrifice.


Doug & Lorna


SJ  Looks like some ruffing required by opps


Ray  Grace


Heart J Interesting Opener rates to be 4325 or 4216. In any case if I have a C trick then it is mine anyway. Partner failed to double the splinter or the final contract for a C lead. I lead the HJ and hope that it is the best lead. I am not leading a trump.




Club Queen   Sometimes opening leads vrs slams is taking out insurance to prevent a disaster. As usual listening to the bidding is your clue. There are two ways to try for slam - Q bidding or Blackwood. They chose Blackwood which should mean two things . They could be interested in 7 and they have a control in the unbid suit ( hearts ) . After hearing partners Blackwood response ,  they settled for only six so they may be off an Ace. Which Ace ? If it’s the diamond Ace , or heart Ace or trump Ace ,  who cares as we will get it eventually. What about the club Ace ? You will bid Blackwood with a worthless doubleton in partners suit. The real hands AJxx AKQx x K98x   opposite KQ10xxx x Axxx xx   17 IMPS riding on your club lead.


VOTES:  SJ (1)    DK (1)       HJ (3)    CQ (2)   S8 (3)    




Golfing season has come upon us. I thank the panel for their usual brilliance on a very tough set and their efforts throughout the panel season. See you in the fall !