Problem #:
1; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul: None; Dealer:
103 AK987 K9764 5
Raymond Grace
invitational - What is your agreement with partner as to what 1C P 1H P 1S means?
Playing weak NT this sequence would promise an unbalanced hand by opener.
On the current hand partner can pass correct to 3H 4h or try 3NT or 4D RKC
for D. Very flexible. :-)Keep in mind that partner's 1S is still forcing
and unlimited.
Kiz Fung
1NTI may
be a notorious overbidder, but at matchpoints (with no points in partner's
suits) a plus is everything.
Alex Fowlie
1NTThis is
a good 10 HCP only if partner fits one of your suits and that's unlikely on
the auction so far - in my system, partner is at least 44 in the
blacks.So let's get NT in
first.Picture a typical minimum
for partner and see where you want to play - KJxx xx Axx KQxx (and if
you're playing with Steve Willard, don't count on the A of diamonds!)
Bryan Maksymetz
2HThe obvious choices are 1NT and 2H. Many
experts play 2-way Stayman here: 2C puppets to 2D with invitational hands
and 2D is GF. If we played WJS, this bid would be pretty clear-cut. The
excellent heart spots make the 2H bid a winner over 1NT.
Duncan Smith
ugly bid , but matchpoints is an ugly game. 2 Diamonds not an option for me
, as I play 4th suit forcing to game. 2 Hearts second choice.
Ken Penton
having the pitbull system in me arsenal I'm forced to stretch the truth and
bid 2D which is a game force. If partner shows me 3 card heart support I
will bid game and if he bids 2NT he plays there.The alternatives of 2NT or
2 hearts just do not do this hand justice
BJ Trelford
2CI play
2-way NMF so this is a relay to 2 diamond. I will raise diamond next time
showing an invitational hand with 5-5 in the reds. Not playing 2-way NMF I
would force this hand to game and bid 2 diamonds.
Maurice & Susan
3DSo far
so good...Maurice and I agree!
Doran Flock
2HNot sure
what to bid, my hearts are good.
2♥South has a hand I
would open . 5-5 and 2 ½ quick tricks concentrated in the two suits. Having
said that , partner has ruined the party. As Ray Grace points out , how do
you play your spade rebids ? I rebid all flat hands with a NT bid so this
auction shows at least 5♣ & 4♠ maybe more black cards. You know what this means
– the dreaded misfit. In misfit auctions , I play 3♦ as a splinter by
responder. Inviting with red suits opposite a known black misfit makes no Bridge
sense. BJ & Bryan point out their methods after a one level auction. If
I had the same distribution but with poorer heart spots I would rebid 1NT.
4♥ seems to be the
best shot at game if partner can cooperate. Playing with Bryan or BJ , I
would bid 2♣ which is a relay to 2♦ and then I would
bid 2♥. This shows an invitational hand in hearts as opposed to a
drop dead 2♥ bid.
VOTES : 2♣
(1)2♦ (1) 3♦ (2)1NT (3)2♥ (3)
Problem #:
2; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
Both; Dealer: South
5 AQ AJ10763 A1098
Raymond Grace
4NTBlackwood – We do not want to miss the grand. Lets try to construct partners
possible hand.1) xx KJTxxx kxx kxx2) xxx KJxxx kx Kxxx 3) ax kxxxx kxxxx x
. My point is partner has 8-10 HCP that must contain the HK and another K
or a D fit like qxxx and a stiff C. 4NT and then 6D over the expected 1
keycard response and 5NT over the surprise 5H response.
Kiz Fung
should be forcing, I will pull partner's double to 4NT.
Good bid . This should mean pick a game and 5NT
pick a slam ?
Alex Fowlie
DblPass would
be perfect if I was sure partner would think it was forcing.But I'm not risking a pass unless I'm
sure partner is on the same wavelength, and I'm not bidding at the five
level with no assured fit.That
leaves a double (maybe partner will pull with a diamond fit).
Yes , I would choose double if forcing passes were
not on. Eric Kokish once pointed out that a double is a forcing pass
in these kinds of auctions in which you are not sure if forcing passes
apply & the opponents own their trump suit.
Bryan Maksymetz
pass was forcing here (it isn't) that would be the easy bid. The hand is
wrong for a double (too many Aces). 4NT here would be takeout, presumably
for the minors. When you correct say a 5C bid to 5H, that should be a slam
try with a spade control. 5C is natural and non-forcing and should be 65
(with 55 or 64, bid 4NT). 5H should deny a spade control. There are some
experts who prefer 4NT here to be RKC - as you have little room to explore
for slam anyway. That usually only helps when you have a grand slam or are
missing 2 KC's.
Duncan Smith
PA forcing
pass seems best , since I have no idea what's right. Maybe partner will be
better placed. My stiff spade is consistent with pass , but I sure wish I
had another heart. Spare me from partners who bid 4nt , saying " it's
this hand".
Yes , 4NT directly is a little single handed in my
opinion. Partner may have diamonds or clubs so will be better placed to be
captain of this ship.
Ken Penton
opponents have taken away any chance we had to investigate. 2 hearts would
show 10 points but he may have a diamond fit with 6 hearts and 9 points-xx
KJxxxx KQx Jx. Am not bidding clubs as there was no negative double.
BJ Trelford
PForcing pass.
This hand is too good for anything but a pass and pull. When partner dbls I
will bid 4nt asking partner to pick the suit.Must
have seen Kiz Fungs answer J
Maurice & Susan
pass is on. If partner doubles we pass. We can raise any suit bid to 6.
Doran Flock
pass situation, double doesn't seem right. If ptnr doubles 4s , I pull to
something like 5C
original Bridge World panel of experts agreed that partners 2/1 albeit in
competition turned on forcing passes. In these kind of auctions , you look
for clues that would mean that your side “owns the auction” .
It is logical to agree that an opening bid &
a 2/1
means that your side has the strength required to turn on forcing passes.
Forcing pass theory does not mean that you must have a fit but just
that it’s your hand. The forcing pass rules are slightly different
when you do not have an announced fit. The pass just means
you are getting out of the way for partners penalty double but the “pass
& pull” retains the same meaning. It’s the strongest action you can
take. I agree with BJ Trelford , Doran Flock & Kiz Fung that the “pass
and pull” aspect of forcing pass theory would do this hand justice. 6 of
your HCP’s are in partners suit , stiff in the opponents suit , Aces and a
source of tricks. The whole gambit.
VOTES:P (6)4NT (2)Dbl (1)6♥ (1)
Problem #:
3; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul:
Both; Dealer: East
K AQ1093 AQ10863
Raymond Grace
3C 3C
followed by 4D or 4NT if necessary The danger is when the bidding goes 4S
by lefty. 4NT must be takeout to one of the reds. 3D followed by 5C will get
a false preference with equal length.
Kiz Fung
or West will probably bid something, and I would like to be able to bid 4NT
at the next opportunity to show longer clubs.
Alex Fowlie
3CToo good
to pass, so bid your best suit.Maybe
partner will bid 3NT.If she bids
3H, I'll make one last NT try with 3S.
Bryan Maksymetz
bid is pretty clear, although 3S asking for a stopper could work well. 4NT
is a bit much. The problem might be if LHO raises and it is passed back to
you - do you then bid 4D or DBL or Pass? Now you wish you had bid 3D, then
4C. Still, the percentage call is 3C and then if necessary 4D.
Duncan Smith
reason to accelerate the auction. Will show diamonds via 4nt if necessary.
Ken Penton
3DAs a
new panel member you have not made it easy-do not want to risk a double and
hear 4H. A direct 4NT is asking too much from partner initially so I'll try
and bid both suits and lie about my distribution - if passed out I've
played in worse trump suits.
BJ Trelford
one. The only bid that would show this shape is 4nt but that is suicide. If
partner can't move over 3 clubs we are high enough. The possible bids by
partner are pass(OK), 3D(I'll raise), 3H(bid 3Spades), 3nt(OK) or raise clubs(OK).
My second choice would be pass.
Maurice & Susan
strong enough for 4NT initially. May back in 4NT later in the auction with
more information.
Doran Flock
unusual minor situation, hope I don't bury other minor .
, I put in this problem to catch the panel leaping to 4NT. They were far
too sensible for this unilateral action for the reasons they give in
their replies. You have too much defense and not enough offense for a 4NT
bid. They could still be getting into trouble so it is not the right hand
for pressure tactics. So , it is panel 1 & moderator 0 on these
“baiting the panel” problems . Maybe next month I will do better &
catch them napping L
VOTES:3♦ (2)3♣ (8)
Problem #:
4; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
E/W; Dealer: East
♠ ♥AQ1083
Raymond Grace
- They may be in trouble here. The thing that makes this risky is that they
rate to have 9 trumps or 8 good trumps because partner failed to overcall
1S. I would have bid 2D going in to get the hand off my chest.
Kiz Fung
DblTakeout. I have a strong playing hand, but to bid 3D is too
Alex Fowlie
I'm not in passout seat, this should show hearts and the minors - what I've
got more or less.Could be wrong if
partner is 34 in the minors but could be very right if he has 5 spades.
Bryan Maksymetz
moderntreatment of this auction is
to treat the DBL as T/O of spades with a good hand - something like 1444
shape and a strong NT or so. This hand is close. Responder can bid 2NT to
say he/she has no clear bid and 3C shows real clubs. Over 2NT you bid 3D
but pass pard's 3C.
Duncan Smith
shows a good hand with hearts & without (not necessarily a void )
spades. That is what I have.
Ken Penton
should read this as a heart trap with values outside spades-depending on
his response I may try 3 S as a game try
BJ Trelford
happened my first bid. Had I bid 2 diamonds the first time I wouldn't have
this problem. If it wasn't good enough the first time, it hasn't got any
better now. 3 diamonds could be really bad now. Double would be for the
minors and when partner bids 3 clubs I will have no idea how many he has
(partner could be 4333 or 5233 on this auction) and I can't correct. I hope
they get higher so I can dbl for penalties.
Maurice & Susan
trap...spade shortness. Recipe for telephone numbers if partner can leave
it in!
Doran Flock
they might be buried at this level. But what if I come in and it is us
buried and not them ??
almost unanimous opinion of the panel shocked me. The reason you trapped in
the first place is that they are vul and you are not. It’s a misfit
auction and you were hoping that they would get into trouble. Having passed
initially , you must follow through with your game plan in a live
auction and double. Bridge is a game of taking calculated risks and the
vulnerability makes a double just too tempting.As Maurice & Susan point out , its your opportunity for a
telephone number. Bryan points out something I did not know before. He says
that this belated double shows values for a strong NT or better. This is
nice to know for penalty conversion. Bidding diamonds originally or now just
rescues the opponents and robs you of an opportunity. They may be
getting a 5-0 spade split and your points are well located. Would you not
feel sick by bidding 3♦
and partner has QJ109x of spades & some scattered HCP’s elsewhere with
a stiff diamond ?
VOTES:P (2)Dbl (8)
Problem #:
5; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
None ; Dealer: South
2 AKQ1082 53 AQ109
Raymond Grace
4CRKC for
C if he has 2 I will try for 6 C and live with the 5143 hands where e the C
ruff is in the short hand.Do not loose site of the GRAND The benefit of 4C
is on 0 or 1 key cards I can bail out in 4H and be safer that 3NT.I hate
these sequences. Partner can have a lot of hands here but the most likely
is a flat 11-13 with spade and diamond values. The most important card to
find out about is the Club King and the red aces.
Possible hands1)KQxxx
X AQxx Jxx2) QJxx xx AJxx kxx 3)
ATxx JX axx kJxx 4)KQxx x kqx jTxxxx . Hand 1 we are in 4H. Hand 2 we are
in 4H . Hand 3 we are in 7C . Hand 4 we are in 5C or 4NT.
Kiz Fung
4HI think
I have had this hand, once in the 80s, once in the 90s and once in this
millenium. 3NT just doesn't make most of the time.
Besides you get 100 Honours in hearts J
Alex Fowlie
presumably rebid 2C because I intended to show a good 64 by rebidding
hearts next (with a weak 64, I would have rebid 2H).I see no reason to change my plan now.slam is still in the picture if partner
has the right cards and she will know if she has them after I bid 4H.
Good reasoning.
Bryan Maksymetz
should show a good 64 hand with slam interest - exactly what you have.
Duncan Smith
should work out what to do. Surely we have safety at the five level.
One would think so . 5♥ is an invitation not a
Ken Penton
P3NT shows
a minimum and although I have playing strength I feel partner needs too
much to make 6H.The lead goes to his softer values
Good point . 3NT robs so much bidding room that it
should show a lack of controls needed for slam. Pulling 3NT to a major is
not a slam try.
BJ Trelford
PI am happy
where we are. The fact partner has used up all the bidding room is a
telling bid. Partner has a hand with no controls but good enough for game.
Something like KQJx x QJTxx Kxx or why jump to game. Trust partner! No slam
Yes , I prefer 2NT forcing one round rather than
the dreaded leap to 3NT.
Maurice & Susan
for a diamond cuebid. Hoping for 6H or 6NT.
Doran Flock
to convey I have tricks, particularly in hearts.
5♥Despite partners attempt to de-rail me
by hogging bidding room , I making one last desperate attempt. Alex &
Bryan mention the “6-4 inference” . Some people play if you bid your 4 card
suit prior to your 6 card suit you are stronger. I do not have that
understanding. I always bid 6-4’s by mentioning the 4 card suit regardless
of the strength following my “shape before strength” philosophy to describe
my hand. The 5♥ bid besides being invitational , should draw partners
attention to a diamond control as that is the unbid suit with a 5 level
VOTES:4♥ (3)5♥ (3)4♣ (2)P (2)
Problem #:
6; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
None; Dealer: North
♠KJ1064 73 5
Raymond Grace
3S Partner
will not pass 3S and if they do we are not making it. I am torn between 3H
or 3S. 3NT over 3S should have play. Over 3NT I will try 4C and then 5C or
4NT. Anything else is giving up on the spade GAME and Club slam. The
problem with 3H one should have more D or a ½ H stopper.
Kiz Fung
3HWestern Cue. West is silent, seems that North (partner) might have a
heart card or two.
Alex Fowlie
find out if partner has 3 spades or a heart stopper.He won't have (semi-)solid diamonds and
a heart stopper or he would have bid 3NT already.So, if he does bid 3NT he'll have fitting honours in one or
both of my suits.
Bryan Maksymetz
3HIf pard
bids 3NT we will play there. 3S should be a decent doubleton, and 4S should
be playable. In this (and similar auctions) all strong hands go via a 2H
cue bid (spade support, diamond 1-suiter or diamond/club 2-suiter) so pard
can't have that great of a hand. We will reluctantly pass 4D and raise 4C
to 5.
Duncan Smith
4CSlam a
possibility , but the opponent's lack of further heart bidding makes me
fear we've gone beyond 3nt. If partner bids 4nt over 4 clubs , I'll pass.
Ken Penton
3HA 2 way
call here-does partner have hearts stopped? then I'll pass 3NT if not, does
he have 3 spades? then I'll Q 4C on the way to a spade game or better and
if all he can do is rebid his suit I'll raise to 5D.
BJ Trelford
3SThis has
to be a bid looking for a spade game or 3nt. I can't bid 3H because that
should show something in hearts and partner will bid 3nt with 1 stopper. If
partner has a hand that can take 9 tricks with only 1 stopper they can bid
it over 3 spades. 3 spades indicates a good hand with at least 5 spades and
no heart card.
Either something in hearts or a partial
diamond fit. Do not have either , so agree with 3♠ .
Maurice & Susan
may support spades now with honour doubleton. I will bid 4C over 3S. If
partner bids 3NT I pass.
Doran Flock
Q bid
3♠When partner jumps in her suit , a bid
at the 4 level is normally interpreted as a Q bid in support of her suit.
4♣ is out for that reason. I feel that the decision rests between a 3♥ western Q bid or a 3♠ bid. With my stiff
diamond , I am not sure that I even want to play 3NT. 3♥ should show a partial
diamond fit or a heart card in my opinion. With my good spade spots
, I would prefer a 5-2 spade fit so I will try to encourage that route. If
partner bids 3NT it will end the auction.
VOTES:4♣ (1)3♠ (3) 3♥ (6)
Problem #:
7; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul:
Both; Dealer: South
♠J32 75 964 AKQJ7
Raymond Grace
I owe partner the Spade deuce. Pass is not an option. Another spade deuce ? J
Kiz Fung
DblI hate
these types of problems. I really hope that partner can bid 3NT and doesn't
have 4 spades.
I think a double here is tantamount to a gambling
3NT. Your club suit fits the description for a calculated gamble.
Alex Fowlie
PThere is
nothing to make me think we can make anything if partner can't call
again.The three small diamonds
scream caution.He opened in 3rd
seat afterall.If he's Steve Willard,
or me, he might have Qxxx KQxx Qxx xx (on a good day!)
Passing with Steve Willard quite often is the
correct action J
Bryan Maksymetz
pass 3H, correct 3S to 4C (pard could bid 3S with only 3 spades), pass
4H/4S and of course 3NT which is what we are hoping pard will bid. The
tough follow up is if pard cue-bids 4D - should we bid 4H or 5C or 5D or 6C
- 5C seems right. Too strong to Pass and 4C gets us past our favourite MP
Duncan Smith
PNo good
bid available. Problem is next round. Hope it goes all pass. I would have
opened 1 club and not have to have faced this mess. You agree with Maurice. I
hope your “opener” is only in the matchpoint free for all.
Ken Penton
too risky to pass - 3NT possible with 5 tricks, so I must fib again and
make a negative double. As I usually play Flannery 2D I'm not afraid of 3S
from partner as he could be 4-6 in majors with a minimum or 4-5 with 16 or
BJ Trelford
is a thrump double asking partner to bid 3nt with a diamond stopper. Over 3
spades I bid 4 hearts and hope.
Maurice & Susan
always opens these hands and refuses to answer. I am hoping for down 1 or 2
at matchpoints.
Doran Flock
ptnr can bid 3nt
DblYou are
a passed hand but you have 5 tricks for partners NT if she can bid it. My
partners and myself first instinct after a 3 level negative double is to
bid 3NT. In fact we would bid 3NT ahead of a 4 card spade suit. Original
idea due to Marty Bergen ..
VOTES:P (3)Dbl (7)
Problem #:
8; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
Both; Dealer: South
9 Q10543 K7 109875
is your opening lead ?
Raymond Grace
C10CT the
un-bid suit and if partner cannot raise H the even if we can set them up we
will be entry less.
Kiz Fung
C10Partner has some diamonds and 4 spades. They have a minimum 8 card
spade fit so spades rate to be 5-3 or 6-2. If declarer has hearts and
diamonds stopped, with 2 or three spades, clubs appears to be the suit to
Alex Fowlie
best from your longest and strongest!If partner has Kxx in hearts and a side entry, we're probably
beating 3NT.East likely has a trap
pass with strong diamonds, so the K of diamonds could be very wrong.But nothing says she has particularly
good hearts.And if she has long
clubs she expects to run, I have a nasty surprise for her.
Bryan Maksymetz
is an excellent problem and any lead could be right. Let's try and work our
declarer's hand. He/she probably has 15 or 16 balanced in a soft hand -
didn't want to risk a NT overcall. Also, either 2 spades or maybe 3 in a
3(433) hand, else a cue-bid. Assuming we are playing support doubles, pard
has 2 or fewer hearts and is a strong favourite to hold 4 spades - a likely
distribution for pard is 4243. Spade overcaller did not open 2S so if they
have 6 it will be a weak suit. I think the club 10 is my first pick with a
low heart a close second.
Duncan Smith
clearly is ready for diamonds , maybe less so for hearts. A club could hit
gold , but I'll stick with 4th from longest & strongest.
Ken Penton
C10bidding suggests partner is 4 2 4 3 or 4 2 5 2 as he did not make a
support double and east did not Q bid spade support -hence he holds 3Sat most. East should be 3 4 4 2 or 2 4 5
2.In any event he will have to work for his tricks in the red suits,
partner should have some spade cards.
BJ Trelford
we have half the points and they have not shown a long source of tricks, it
is not a time for aggressive defence. This lead doesn't give anything away
and may produce some tricks. Partner didn't bid over 1 spades so they have
a minimum and I suspect there suit is not good. A heart lead will probably
give away tricks so that is out. Clubs seems to stand out.
Maurice & Susan
C10Partner may be 4-2-4-3. Declarer has too many diamonds to overcall
1NT. If partner has good spades he may have opened 1S in third seat.
Doran Flock
H4 There is perhaps something in air to indicate
heart lead is not right, but I don't detect it.
How about partner sticking his neck out in 3rd
seat for a diamond lead ? J
♦KAs I disagree with
this panel in addition to the original Bridge World panel who also opted
for a club lead , I will get up on my soap box. Nobody mentions that their opening
leads might vary depending on which seat partner opens a
minor. In fact , Maurice & Susan are the only ones who mentioned 3rd
seat. If partner opened 1♦
in 1st , 2 nd or 4 th , I would lead a club for reasons
given by this panel. In 3rd seat ( like this problem ) it is a
different story. I do not open a weak hand 1♦ in 3rd seat
unless it is for a lead. I will open a 4 card major , cheat on my NT or
pass before opening a shaky diamond suit in 3rd seat. If I open
a bad diamond suit in 3rd seat , it is because I have so many
HCP’s they most likely will not be getting to any game that requires any
lead . In my mind anyway , 3rd seat openers equate to a lead
director if my hand is weak enough for the opponents to reach game.
Partners hand Axxx Jx AJ10xxx x and opponents diamonds Q984 . You lead a
club and they chalk up 630 , she says I opened in 3rd seat for a
lead L . Your reply ? Yes
dear comes to mind ( thank you Peter Jones for the automated reply ) .
VOTES:♣10 (6)♥4 (3)♦K
Excellent start for the new
panel season . Readers should note & study how this panel thinks to
reach their conclusions on these problems. Following their logic and trying the
problems yourself will improve your Bridge. Do not be intimidated by the
difficulty of the problems. Use an assumed name if you feel that using your
real name will embarrass you. The computer will not accept a blank name .
Some examples for assumed names are “Paula Nowlan” , “Dora Lee” , “Charles
Goren” , “Osama” etc .. J
This is my 3rd year
for the panel and we never have had all panel members agreeing
on one answer. This month we came close on two problems ( 3 & 4) .
Problem 3 , I was trying to goad the panel into a bad 4NT bid but nobody went
for it. Problem 4 , I was quite shocked that everybody went for the throat
with a double. I did not think a pass was out of line.