Problem #:
1; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul: Both; Dealer:
DBL Pass is
bad - My first inclination was to bid
5C as partner is likely 2254 or 2263. But what if partner is partner is
4261 or 4252 with an 11 count. They know that we do not have a Heat stack
and we are just competing. Trust partner to work out whether to pass or try
for 11 tricks.
BJ Trelford
Partners pass indicates a lack of a spade fit and a probable
minimum. With shortness in hearts and 3 spades he/she may have bid 3 spades
over 3 hearts. If partner is 2254 or 2263 we might be able to make 5 of a
minor... or not. This is the best chance for a good plus. With the right
hand partner will pull (partner will know this is not a trump stack dbl). I
trust partner.
Duncan Smith
DBL Cooperative double. OK if pard sits (should
beat it on power). Very OK if pard bids anything , especially 4 spades.
Passing is weak & 5 clubs is unspeakably vile.
Unspeakably vile ? Can I quote you on this
one ? J
Maurice & Susan
DBL This
can not be a heart stack. In the words of our moderator this is DSIP saying
it is our hand but I do not have a clear cut action. On a bad day -790!
Doran Flock
opponents have put it to you once again and you are at the 4 level and
guessing at your second bid. Are the opponents guessing as well, or do they
always have their bids? On balance I double ... ptnr cannot play me for any
hearts on this auction and while I expect to play in 4hts doubled (and hope
they can't make it), ptnr does have the chance to bid if she was
"fixed" by 3 heart bid.
Kiz Fung
DBL Not a
penalty stack double. Just says that it is our hand.
Bryan Maksymetz
DBL Hoping
for a 4S bid from pard. Too much to pass.
Ken Penton
4S These
problems seem to always force me to make decisions for my partner! I can't
see him bidding 4S over my double with Jxx xx AKxxx KQx so I'll do it for him.
A bid is kind of final though …
Alex Fowlie
DBL This
is a card-showing double when I’m playing with Steve Willard. I’d prefer to have a heart honour but
nothing is perfect. If partner is
reasonably balanced, I’m betting that we can get the magic 200 versus no
game for us. If he has lots of
shape, he will pull unless he is short in spades.
DBL When
the auction dictates that a double should not be a trump stack double , it
is not. As Doran says , they are trying to “do something to you” so factor
that into your double. In the words
of Tom Gandolfo or BJ Trelford , the double is passing the blame to
partner or D.S.I.P. A double is a
“depending on context” bid and not just a trump stack in their suit.
4♠ (1)
Problem #:
2; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
Both; Dealer: West
P Pass is
bad but likely they have 8+ spades between them. The Diamonds are 7411 or
7231, in any case that are sitting over your hand. Partner is likely 4216 -
with limited values as they could not overcall 1S. Pass and hope for them to
get into trouble or for partner to balance a bid.
BJ Trelford
P Too soon to get involved. I will get another
Maybe your chance comes to high though …
Duncan Smith
P Pass for
now. Hope to learn more about the hand. It is possible that , depending on
how the auction goes , I may never bid.
Maurice & Susan
2D Start
with a natural bid of 2D and after the expected spade raise will back in
with double to show 4 Hearts. Partner may be happy to leave in the double
for penalties.
I like this tactic.
Doran Flock
P As I
cannot show natural diamonds here, my only option is 2 hearts, and I am not
ready to suppress my 7 card suit in favor of a 4 card overcall.
Kiz Fung
P These
are always difficult hands because they have the spade suit and the auction
could be too high before it gets back to you. Just don't have the right
shape to bid, hopefully will be able to balance. If not, I take my lumps
and defend.
Bryan Maksymetz
2D Should be
natural - I hope. 2NT and DBL are available for C/H hands.
Ken Penton
P nothing
to say at this point-would double 2S when it gets back to me.
Alex Fowlie
2H Tough
choice. I could bid 2D which more
or less shows this hand but the diamonds are awfully weak. The only real game chance seems to be in
hearts, so let’s bid them. If
partner has nothing but 6 hearts to the Jack, there could be a double game
swing. This also gives me a
reasonable chance to find out if my heart cards are defensive tricks. If 2H gets doubled, I can think about
running to 3D (and whether pard would believe that I was showing this
2♦ . Sandwich position bidding should be
discussed by partnerships. The openers minor should be natural and responders
major should be natural. As Bryan says there are other bids available to
show the other suits. Trapping is the theme of this hand. I do not like
trapping with offensive hands. A 7 card suit means bidding. The problem is
that they have the boss suit. if opener jumps to 3♠ on AKQx Jxx AJx QJ10 and responder passes do you bid ?
Partner holds xxxx xxx Q10x Axxx and you can make +1370 in diamonds. The
earlier partner is put in the picture ( sort of) the better.
: P (6) 2♦ (3)
2♥ (1)
Problem #:
3; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
N/S; Dealer: North
4D Must
be a cue bid and confirm hearts and advertises the C problem. If partner has
the right hand they can bid 4NT. We only have one key card so partner will
be able to work out that we had a reason for the cue bid.
Can not express it any better.
BJ Trelford
4D PU. I think
slam is there but partner could have 2 small clubs. 4 of a minor is not a
suit in this auction. It is a control with slam interest in hearts. Best to
show a control and let partner take control. This lets partner know you
have no club control.
Duncan Smith
5H 5
hearts. Hope pard reads me for a good hand , lacking controls. Not asking
for heart quality , as RKCB would accomplish that.
Maurice & Susan
4D 4D is a
cue bid in support of hearts. Over 4H by partner or a cuebid of 4S we bid
5H to ask for controls in the unbid suit: clubs. This bidding cannot show
diamonds and spades because we could have bid 3 spades after 3 hearts.
Doran Flock
4NT I am
bidding 6 hts when ptnr shows 3 aces, 5 hts if 2 and can ask for queen of
trump in unlikely event of 4. This may not be right ... we could be off 2
clubs (but then we would have 12 tricks on non club lead) or we could be
off 2 diamonds (with diamond lead and both offside), but on balance we
should have chances.
No fear in Calgary .
Kiz Fung
4D Cue bid
in support of hearts. We surely have a slam if we have enough controls.
Bryan Maksymetz
4D If pard
bids RKC and we are off 2 Aces, we should not be in any danger at the 5
Ken Penton
3S I believe
we are headed for 6H or 6NT so what is partners shape? This is the only lie
I can make to have him help me with that decision.
Alex Fowlie
4D My
first cue bid almost always shows first round control (Ace or void) but
this is the exception. Slam must be
practically laydown if partner controls clubs (I'll bid 4S over 4H). I refuse to bid Blackwood with 2 quick
losers in a side suit. Nicely said.
When partner makes a strong jump shift
or a jump to the 3 level , the 4 level is reserved for Q bids rather than
another suit. OK what is wrong with this hand for Blackwood ? Partner could
hold a very nice jump Ax AQJ10xx AQx xx and they cash the first two
clubs. Q bidding by definition must start at the lowest ranking suit.
As this panel says , this action of bypassing clubs to Q bid diamonds
exposes the problem to partner in one fell swoop. If you bid slam without Q
bidding , bid 7 and hope they do not lead a club as this could be the
classic 5 or 7 hand.
Italian style of Q bidding allows Kings as equal
status to Aces for Q bidding purposes. Even playing the American style Q
bidding , a King should be Q bid to warn partner of the club danger. ( see
Alex Fowlie )
VOTES : 5♥ (1) 4NT
(1) 3♠ (1) 4♦ (7)
Problem #:
4; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
E/W; Dealer: South
for C Partner is 3325 and making a
slam try - they can not have less than xxx axx ax kqxxx can they have
another K or a 6th C for 7 the answer is yes.
You assume you do not have Susan for a partner J
BJ Trelford
3NT This is
a good hand for serious 3nt. Over partners q-bid I bid 4 spades to let
partner know I have extra but no red controls and only a little interest in
slam. From here its up to partner. I like this action because its blame
transfer. LOL Oh sure , my fault ..
Duncan Smith
4C 4
clubs. Worth one try for slam. My black cards are too good to merely bid 4
spades. 4 clubs involves pard without committing to slam. Lots of hands
that will produce 6 clubs when 6 spades fails. eg. pard is 3-3-3-4.
Maurice & Susan
4C The 3
spade bid sets spades as trump and 4 clubs 4C is a cuebid. I assume I am
not playing with Ray as my partner! I am expecting partner to cuebid 4D and
I can now bid 4S showing no controls in hearts. If partner now bids 5H I
will offer 6 clubs as a possible contract to protect his heart king.
Ray assumes he does not have you as a partner J..
Doran Flock
4C When I
retreat to 4S over ptnr's cue bid they will know I have a slam going hand.
Too wide open in red suits to force ... have confidence that ptnr will do
right thing once they know I have good hand.
Kiz Fung
3NT This
must be serious 3NT. I want to tell partner right away that I have the big
hand (serious 3NT in this case is not a "demand cue" but a
"telling partner" bid. If partner now cue bids and I sign off,
partner will know that I have a big hand (albeit short of controls) and
that my values are in the black suits.
Bryan Maksymetz
4C 4C
followed by 4S over a Q bid.
Yes , partner needs to take the initiative on this
Ken Penton
4C Want
partner to know my raise was 4 card support and want to learn about his red
card values.
Alex Fowlie
4C To me,
3S shows slam interest. I’m
cooperating by showing my Ace. The
rest is up to partner. I wouldn’t
consider any other call. (This is
not key card for clubs, Steve!)
3NT 4♣ was the majority answer in the
original Bridge World except for Eric Rodwell & Jeff Meckstroth. Around
this time they invented a new Q bid which they called the “serious 3NT”.
They threw out the traditional meaning of 3NT whenever they had an 8 card
or higher major suit fit. The 3NT bid meant simply they have “serious slam
interest” and forced partner to Q bid. Say partner has a dead minimum hand
xxx Ax Kxx KQxxx he might not want to play the Q bidding game as he was all
in with his 2/1 . A serious 3NT says I do not care if you are minimum so Q
bid anyway. You Q bid 4♦ and partner now signs off in 4♠ and since he has shown his serious slam interest , you
can take another push with your heart Ace. This is a good treatment when
either the opener or responder can be unlimited. You Q bid as a courtesy
instead of serious slam intent as in standard thinking. You get to 6♠ as would Meckwell. See explanation by Kiz Fung & BJ
VOTES : 3NT (3) 4♣ (7)
Problem #:
5; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
None ; Dealer: South
5C This is
exclusion RKC for S. I have 2 key cards without the Queen. Other wise partner
pulled the wrong card from the bidding box so I am bidding 5C as a cue bid
and to protect partner's lack of eye had coordination. it is not reasonable
to play this as some weak 55 in the majors. One is pre-empting our own game
forcing auction for no reason. Even if it is this hand then can partner
have kqxxx qxxxx void xxx and we are cold for 7 Hearts and play in 4? This
is a ridiculous bid in this sequence if it nor Exclusion RKC for S.
BJ Trelford
P The big
question here is why didn't partner bid a forcing 3 hearts followed by 4
hearts. I think the answer is that partner is very weak, lack controls and
have lots distribution. (something like QTxxx Qxxxx xx x. With more than
this they would go slower. They know your point range and are happy with
game so... I am happy also.
Duncan Smith
P Pard
would have bid 3 hearts if interested in bigger things. His 4 hearts says
" Pass or correct to 4 spades " .
Maurice & Susan
P Is this
a weak majors hand? I hope so...
Doran Flock
P Ptnr
has a weak hand at least 5/5. If they are 6/5 you may have a play for slam
but ptnr will not have as much as KQ 6th and Q 5th.
Kiz Fung
5C Is 5H a
request to bid 6H with diamonds under control? Even is it is, do I have
enough to force to slam? 5 clubs has got to show this hand, and bring
partner in on the decision.
Yup , even with a bow wow there are slam
possibilities . I can not imagine a hand where 5 might go down.
Bryan Maksymetz
5C This
should be a picture bid - at least 55 in the majors - probably 65 -
possibly 66. Over 5D, 7H should be cold.
Ken Penton
5H Opposite
partners minimum I still feel there is a good chance for 6H if he has a
stiff diamond
Not bad . Even with as little as Kxxxxx Qxxxx x x there
is a good shot at 6.
Alex Fowlie
P I have a
great hand for hearts but it’s not enough to go venturing when partner
denies slam interest with 4H. If
partner had KQxxx Qxxxx x xx (or a weaker major with the club K), she
should have bid 3H (then 4H if necessary) to show slam interest.
Pass . The principle of “fast arrival” is alive
and well. Whenever you are pre-empted out of bidding space by your own
partner jumping to game , it means pass or correct. The trouble with this
hand though, there are slam prospects even if partner has that weak hand !
I pass reluctantly ( secretly admire those who bid on) to keep partnership discipline intact.
VOTES : 5♥ (1) 5♣
(3) P (6)
Problem #:
6; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
E/W; Dealer: West
DBL Double
- I have values and a Spade trap.
BJ Trelford
partner passes this the table will be covered in blood. This dbl show a trap
pass of spades. It's up to partner now.
Duncan Smith
DBL Telling
pard it's our hand while , at the same time , showing a spade trap. If pard
can pass , it should be bloody.
You and BJ should be blood donors for the Red
Cross J
Maurice & Susan
DBL Is Bob preaching DSIP this month? I didn't make
a negative double so I cannot have hearts. This should show the spade trap.
Infidels are non believers in the
D.S.I.P. religion. I do not preach to infidels. May the fleas of a 1000
camels invade your arm pits. L
Doran Flock
Couldn't double 1 spade, can't pass 2 hts, make a competitive double
and let ptnr get back into hand.
Kiz Fung
DBL If I passed originally I must have been waiting
to trap, so now I have to tell partner via the double that I was trapping.
Bryan Maksymetz
DBL This
shows a penalty pass of 1S, no guarantees about H length. If we were Vul vs
NV, 3H would be more appealing. Will bid 3D over 2NT and 3H over 3C or 3D.
Ken Penton
DBL Tells
partner I've trapped over 1S and he is to DSIP
Alex Fowlie
2S Showing
strength and, therefore, a penalty pass of 1S. This is forcing, not an offer to play 2S, even though on two
consecutive hands the other week, I had a seven(!) card spade suit behind opponent’s
spade bid (and he had a 5 card suit).
DBL This
hand shows standard negative double thinking. If the opponents make a
pre-escape there must be a way of deterring that. A double says I had an
original trap of 1♠ so here is information
for you to use. It can not be a penalty double for reasons given by this
panel. Bidding gets them off the hook and may rescue them.
VOTES: DBL (9) 2♠ (1)
Problem #:
7; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul:
Both; Dealer: South
3H This is
easy, Partner is either 5413 or 5404 or 6403 in any case I am bidding 3H
and raising 3S to 4S.
BJ Trelford
3D My hand has
gotten a lot better from this auction. I have no wastage in diamonds so the
deck has shrunk to a 30 point deck. This is a red flag bid to partner. It
shows length in diamonds but no values in the suit (3nt should show
diamond). It is nonsensical that this would be an attempt to play in
diamonds. I want to avoid notrump and if partner is 5404 6 spades could be
a very good contract. Over 4 clubs I will look for 6 spades. If partner
bids 3nt I will sign off in 4 spades.
Duncan Smith
3S 3
spades the best I can do. Shows this number of HCP & exactly 2 spades.
Pard should have a pretty good idea of my hand. Doubleton spade & iffy
diamonds for NT.
Maurice & Susan
4S Partner
is 5-4-0-4. A diamond lead has been mapped out and partner cannot handle
the dink in hearts.
Doran Flock
3D Will
raise ptnr to 4 of whatever major they choose. If spades are a bit weak and
ptnr bids hts, 4 hts will play great on cross ruff, or if they lead trump
we can set up spades. If spades are decent 4 S should be a great spot. If
ptnr is weak they must pass 2nt.
Agreed . Bidding after 2NT and patterning out is
the strongest bid they can make after not choosing a strong jump shift.
Kiz Fung
4S Every
point I have is working. The 5-2 should play quite well.
Bryan Maksymetz
3H Either
4H or 4S could be right - pard could be 54, 55 or 64. 3H and 3S over 2NT in
these auctions tend to be non-forcing, so going via 3C is stronger. Pard
should clear things up with their next bid. 3C should NOT be a place to
play - especially at MP's.
Agreed . Partner is just “patterning out” to show
extra values.
Ken Penton
3S Partner is 5 4 4 minimum and will be tapped on
the opening lead, Tapped looking for the club honors. Although I have all working
cards too much has to be right to make a game.
Alex Fowlie
3S This is
a very tough choice. Partner has
shown 5413 or 5404 (with some extras in my opinion). 3NT could be right if partner has a stiff
diamond honour to help block the suit.
Otherwise, we’re trying to pick the best 7 card fit for game (if the
other suits are good enough to make 3NT when the diamonds split, we should
also make 4 of either major). The
52 spade fit may withstand the diamond force better but the 43 heart fit
could be the winner if hearts are 33 (you can pull trumps with your KQ8).
3♦ There has to be a bid invented to tell
partner he has just hit a home run. There is zero wastage in diamonds in
this hand so how do you inform partner of that fact ? KQJxxx AJxx void AJ9
is a finesse for a grand slam. With a stiff diamond , a finesse for
a small slam. A 3♦ bid is impossible on this
auction as 3NT would show diamonds. Use this bid as a game force somewhere
and a slam try. Partner is not running from 2NT out of weakness as Doran
Flock mentions.
VOTES : 4♠ (2) 3♦ (3) 3♠ (3) 3♥ (2)
Problem #:
8; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul:
None; Dealer: East
D’bl * neg
is your opening lead ?
D6 6D I
hope that partner has a trump a D void and another Ace. Partner said do not
lead a S. Or else itis acedemic and we are beating this lots. In any case
whereis the S loser going we control trump D and C.
BJ Trelford
Partners dbl means one of 2 things. I don't care what you lead or I
want a lead other than a spade. If a spade lead is the only lead that beats
it then partner shouldn't have doubled because I would have lead one. A
diamond trick will never go away so I don't need to lead one to ruff with
my natural heart trick. A club could go away on declarer's diamonds if I don't
lead it now.
Duncan Smith
CQ A club ,
because it's the only suit where our tricks could disappear. The Queen , to
cater to declarer's 2 low opposite King and some low.
Maurice & Susan
C6 Declarer
could be 0-4-7-2 with solid diamonds and chooses to play in the 4-4 fit.
Partner could have the Ace and King of clubs. If opponents have a 12 card
diamond fit...sorry partner! 6 heart bidder is expecting a spade lead
before the double.
Doran Flock
D6 Ptnr has
a void. I am thinking that East has something like 6, 7 or 8 diamonds and 4
hts. Hard to construct a hand where ptnr has a void of clubs.
Kiz Fung
D6 Double
says don't lead a spade. It doesn't necessarily say "lead a
diamond". However, if partner wanted a club lead, why didn't partner
bid 5 clubs on the way to 5 spades?? Partner must have diamond cards.
Bryan Maksymetz
D6 From the
auction, it sounds like pard has a hand with 11 or 12 black cards with a
Diamond void and the Ace of Clubs and declarer probably has 12 or 13 red
Ken Penton
C6 I can
only imagine partner with a wild spade diamond hand and wanting a ruff.
Alex Fowlie
C6 This is
also very difficult for me since I wouldn’t have been on lead, I would
be playing 6S. In my old-fashioned
mind, partner’s 5S said bid 6 with good spades (and mine are decent even
opposite 4 small) and his double said “OK, if you have bad spades, let’s
see what we can collect against 6H.”
So if I passed over 5S because I wasn’t sure what it was, I
certainly would have bid 6S at my last turn. But I apparently have some agreement that 5S was an advance
sacrifice (against 5D?), so the double says “don’t lead spades.” If partner has diamond cards (why
sacrifice then?), they are unlikely to go away, but a club loser could be
pitched on the A of spades (declarer is likely to be 65 or 75). So I’m betting partner has the club Ace
(and King?) to go with my possible heart trick. Yes
, playing with Mr. Willard , opening lead problems are difficult for you because
you are not on lead very often. J
D6 Lead
directing doubles were invented to negate the obvious or natural
lead. Bidding judgment comes into play in determining the natural or
obvious lead though. Each auction must be considered on its own merit. I
feel that a spade lead in this auction is not the obvious or natural lead.
Partner is at the table also and if the opponents are not void in spades I
would eat the deck. Partner knows this also so he doubling to
prevent the natural or obvious lead of a club ! The opponents have a 12
card diamond fit so follow partners orders. As Bryan points out , partner
probably has the club Ace so a club lead will beat the hand also since you
have a trump trick . Beating a freely bid slam for 500 is fun though J .
VOTES : D6 (5) CQ (1) C6 (4)