Problem #: 1;   Scoring: Matchpts;   Vul: Both;   Dealer: East





























3NT  Hoping to recover from my previous lapse. All other bids are not forcing to game. PASS is bad!!!!! Bid 2C initially or 1S or 1NT. Conveying the strength of this hand to partner at this stage is not possible. What is partner's hand? QT Axxx JTx KXXXX. This give the 1D opener Kxx KQJx KJxx Qx. notice 7C is cold. Partner may have QXX KQJX Jx xxxx, now 3NT (try it on a D lead where kqx of C are in the lock, no dummy entries) and 4S are doutbful and you are making nothing. How do you work this out? What is partner's interpretation of 2D. She is not playing you for this hand. Not a 16 count with a stiff H. He is probably paying you for both majors and some hand not good enough to over call either major, 1nt OR 2c OR DOUBLE. Consider that you are missing slam with most 12-13 counts in partner's hand. Anyway I would not have passed 1D. I would have bid 2C or 1S or even 1NT depending on the friskyness of the moment. :-) I am going to try to recover and if necessary punish partner for balancing and bid 3NT. I fear  we are missing 6 or 7 and the opponents are going to make fun of me. :-)



Pass is bad (1)


Doran Flock


3C Forcing, bit of a 2 way shot. outside chance to get to 6 clubs, but partner will bid 3S with 4 of them, or may rebid 3hts and i can rebid 3nt. Even if ptnr raises to 4C, cuebid of 4D is handy and 5C or 6C may be preferable to 3nt.


Yup . 6♣ makes on this hand.


Susan Culham


3NT  I have 2 diamond stoppers and enough for game opposite partner's balancing double. This should also show 4 spades in case partner has both majors.


Kiz Fung


3C  I might have overcalled 1NT originally. However, since I did not, a bid of 2NT can be passed, a bid of 2 Spades should probably show this hand with 5 spades. 


Duncan Smith


3C  3 forcing clubs feels right. Allows for spades or no trump (even club slam ) at game or higher. 3nt has the ring  of an impatient solo artist trying to neutralize partner.


Agreed . No need to hurry unless you have doubts whether your bid is forcing.


Ken Penton


3C Very forcing , partner should read I have 4 spades, if he can just rebid 3H then I'll sign off in 3NT. Right now I'm probing for 6C.  Good probing.


Alex Fowlie


3C  I wouldn’t have passed 1D originally.  I think it is a clearcut 1NT bid.  But my pass seems to have worked out well.  I can now bring Clubs (possibly even 6C) into play as a potential contract, along with Spades and NT, which wouldn’t have happened if I’d bid 1NT.  After my cue bid, new suits are forcing, so 3C is perfect. 


Bryan Maksymetz


3NT  This should show a good hand with other places to play - not Hearts.


BJ Trelford


3NT  Dangerous to bid less than game here. Partner may pass. Lift up your skirt. No bid over 1 diamond? How about 1nt?


3♣ BWS has an understanding that a Q bid is forcing to game unless a suit is rebid or bid twice ( raised ) . Partner needs a good 11 HCP for a club grand slam KJx Axxx x Kxxxx . Many hands could make 6♣ so as this panel says , do not be an “impatient solo artist” ( Thanx Duncan )


VOTES:  3NT (4)     3♣ (6)         



Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   North


























3S If partner is going to make bids that I do not understand and do not have 20 minutes to work out then Instead of burning her completely with 3NT I raise the cue bid showing a flat 20 with 4 C. :-)PASS is bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another sequence that EXPERTS have dreamed up while playing with themselves.(With bidding like this they cannot keep partners.)What is 2S? Stayman NOT as partner had a negative double available over 1S so eliminate the 4 card hear suits.Is this system on MSS or 4 Suit transfers?(It would be nice if it was announced as I play 2 way stayman.) Is this check back for a S stopper and game forcing values? Could it be hand 1. Is it exposing a S psycic?


I think a jump to 3 should expose the spade psyche.


Pass is bad (2)


Doran Flock


2NT I am confused, 2S may be natural ? but this doesn't seem right. Does ptnr have a hand not good enough to make a negative double but can now cuebid? this doesn't seem right either. I bid 2nt and leave it up to partner.


Susan Culham


2NT Systems on including fourth suit transfers. 2 Spades is a relay to clubs and I super accept by bidding 2NT.


Kiz Fung


3C Even in reopening seat, 4th suit transfers over NT should be on (except that 3c would transfer to diamonds). In this case, partner may just want to play in 3 clubs (we can't play in 2 clubs because it would be stayman) but I can't superaccept in clubs, because opposite a pass, there isn't enough tricks.


Duncan Smith


2NT Not sure what partner is about , but 2nt seems accurate , & gives partner room to flush himself out.


Ken Penton


P  As partner could not make a negative double I'm guessing he has 5 or 6 spades and wants to play there. This sequence really requires discussion as it may be the only way we can play 3D, with 2D being a transfer.


You win 13 IMPS with your pass.


Alex Fowlie


2NT  I’m not really sure what 2S shows – it could be spades (how else could she show 6 spades) but that’s unlikely when I have 3.  Or it could be Stayman with a 6 or 7 count that chose to pass rather than make a negative double last time and now looks much better facing my 18 or 19 HCP.  So, I’m bidding 2NT to deny 4 hearts and give pard a chance to clarify.


Bryan Maksymetz


2NT Is this a Q bid or a sign-off in Spades? Q-bid is most likely - points but no stopper and not 4 hearts. Maybe long Diamonds - eg x Jxx K9xxxx A10x. Partner will tell us what she has over 2NT.


BJ Trelford


3NT  I think partner has some values in the minors. I thing I can make 3nt so I will bid it.


Pass . Ray Grace is right . Partners who Q bid on this auction after you have described your exact hand as per distribution , stopper(s) and HCP ( 18-19 ) should be shot . Therefore it is not a Q bid !! This hand from the European championship and LHO overcalled on a 4 card spade suit and 13 HCP . Partner has 10xxxxx xxx x 10xx and 2 limped home for +110. 1NT and higher contracts are –400 or worse with the obvious diamond lead . A lot of IMPS. The female panelists have a systemic meaning for 2♠ , but failing that , a Q bid is just plain wrong as Ray Grace explains at length.


VOTES: 3NT (1)      P (2)   3♣ (1)     3 (1)      2NT (5)


Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   North























2D   I know that H rates to be the is the only game but my D are more flexible. I have always thought that partner should bid 2H in this sequence with a 5314. To cater to this hand and any 6 card diamond hand that had 2S. Consider that for responder to bid 2D over 2C rates to have 1S and 3C so 6D and 3 H or 5D and 4 hearts. Occasionally it is wrong and one gets to 3C or 3D. This is made up when partner bids 2H and you can now bid 3S as a splinter and invite slam. Partner with Axxxx KQJ x AKxx has an excellent shot at 7 Hearts. Some times partner passes 2D and righty balances 2H and u can HIT it. :-)


Doran Flock


2NT  I like to go slow on possible misfit hands, but this is simply too strong to not bid 2nt. Wouldn't seriously argue with a 3nt bid, in case it makes. Yup !


Susan Culham


2D  Playing the 'Bart' convention I bid 2 diamonds to show an invitational hand with 5 hearts. Partner will bid 2 hearts with 3 or 2 good hearts.


Kiz Fung


2D  BART hopefully, if not to play. These are the hands that Bart was invented for. Partner will bid 2H with 2 good hearts or three hearts.


Duncan Smith


2D  Best chance for a plus score. If partner has a good 5-3-1-4 he might bid 2 hearts , leading to a good game in hearts.  Random BART ?


Ken Penton


2D  Best guess at a better contract.5-1 spade fit, 3 or 4-2 club fit-partner may have a couple of D's or if void he could surprise and introduce a heart suit. Special.


Alex Fowlie


2NT  2 over 1 strikes again!  The system leaves me with no way to show an invite with only 5 hearts (since I don’t play 2D here as artificial and asking about majors).  So I’ll guess with 2NT (I do have stoppers in both red suits!).  Maybe partner will pattern-out with 5314 shape.  Maybe 3NT is better than 4H facing 5323.


Agreed . 2/1 strikes again.


Bryan Maksymetz


2D There is a chance partner will bid 2H over this and if I have to play opposite a singleton, D are better than H. Will bid NT over other bids by pard.


BJ Trelford


3NT  Again I don't agree with the first bid. I would have bid 2 hearts going in. Hope one of my suits will be a source of tricks


Agreed.  Ugly 1NT bid. Tom Gandolfo taught me to open 1♣ with weak 5-5 hands in the blacks so this particular sequence should show a real opener and 3NT should have a shot.


2. I agree with the 2/1 critics on this hand. I do not play BART ( good convention) but I play 2 as a one round force. Partner will pattern out and bid 2 with 3 and we find our 5-3 heart fit just like the BART people. Forcing NT is an ugly bid and needs all the help it can get. If I bid 2NT over 2 , I have  diamonds with invitational values and 3 with a weak diamond hand. Can not play 2 in my system ( must go one down in 3) L.


VOTES: 3NT (1)      2 (7)    2NT (2)     



Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   South
























5D   Followed by 6C hoping that partner selects the slam that he likes. I am cue bidding 5D but 6C must suggest at least an option to play in C and D. It will be easy to pass 6D and unlucky to find partner with a stiff or void. :-)I will double 6S and hope that the slam does not make or that we at least go plus. PASS is bad!!!! A good partner would have xxx Axxxx Jxxx x. The problem that I have is with the partners that have xxx Kxx Jx JTxxx or xxx xxx J KJTxxx. We are in the wrong slam 6H and 5H fail and in both cases 6 and 7C are on. Assuming a non H lead of course :-)More realistic is how does on find out if partner has xxxx, Kxx or KQxx or AKxx of Hearts? I do not have a method in this auction. 5H is for play.


Pass is bad (3) .


Doran Flock


4NT I admit I am not positive this is takeout, but when they overcall and bid game vul. surely (don't call me Shirley) this is competitive !


Susan Culham


Dbl  Thank goodness for modern bidding where double is NOT spades. This is our hand partner and I have a good one. This is a true DSIP!


Agreed . No not need to be playing D.S.I.P. theory for this double.


Kiz Fung


5C  Bob probably wants a DSIP double. I want to tell partner what to lead. Pass is not forcing.


Duncan Smith


5H Hate to be pushed to the 5 level , but expect it to be a good contract. May miss a lucky ( or decent ) slam. Pass , if forcing , would be nice , but it isn't forcing at all. Won't be unhappy to hear them save , although unlikely.


Ken Penton


Dbl  Asks partner to choose-with good heart texture and no other cards he should pull.


Yes , should not have spades on this auction.


Alex Fowlie


Dbl Shows cards, not spades.  I seem to have the right high cards to beat 4S, maybe badly, and I have no obvious safety at the 5 level.  I hope partner doesn’t lead hearts from Kxx.  4NT could well be right though if partner has 4 good hearts


Shows cards not spades . I like that !  J


Bryan Maksymetz


Dbl  Lots of defense. H too weak to bid 5H.


BJ Trelford


Dbl  DSIP. Tells partner I have defence but I also want to bid 5 hearts. Not sure I can beat 4 spades. If partner has KQxx of hearts I could make 5 hearts. If partner has spade wastage he will pass.


DBL . I play D.S.I.P. doubles in these sequences saying I have defense and I want to bid 5 . Trusting the opponents is a hazardous occupation . You can make a rosy assumption that there is no spade duplication over there and bid accordingly or you can transfer the decision to partner who is looking at her hand. Gandolfo calls D.S.I.P. doubles blame transfers as partner is required to do something intelligent. Even not playing D.S.I.P. doubles as a partnership understanding , I would double. As Susan points out , if the double should not show spades on the auction is doesn’t !! The double should be pulled with good hearts and nothing in spades in this particular auction ( the opponents have told the table they own their trump suit) . This 5 level decision is being made from the correct side of the table instead of being an “impatient solo artist” . Thanx again Duncan for those words of wisdom J


VOTES: 5 (1)     5 (1)     5♣ (1)    4NT (1)      Dbl (5)



Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   Both ;   Dealer:   East


























Dbl  PASS is BAD!!! It looks like they have 4-5 tricks in C. If things are not splitting maybe down 4-5 doubled for 11 to 1400 is good> We know that partner has the DA for his 2D waiting bid. Partner should play us for 5S and something along the lines of this hand. I expect a pass with a flat hand and no S fit. The trap in passing as it is a forcing auction is what does partner do with Jx Jxxx AJxxx xx? 6D may have play but 6NT needs D 33 with q onside. Think that partner will bid over the double with any 6 card suit and raise spades with qxx or better. Think of the slam prospects over a pull of the double to 3H you can easily picture 6 Hearts in partners hand and 2 S. Consider the sequence after a pull to 3H. 4NT p 5C P 5Nt all the keys do you have any extras? with x JTxxxx axxx xx 7H is an easy call. oenvision 


Pass is bad ( 4 ).


Doran Flock


Dbl Lots of action against my 26 count, presumably righty has umpteen clubs ... or are they running to diamonds next ?? Anyway, have shown spades and now I show I can defend clubs too.


Susan Culham


P  I need information from partner to make an intelligent decision. Does he have spades, or a heart suit etc? Forcing pass very convenient here.


Kiz Fung


P  Is 2S a psych? Let's put partner into this auction. Pass is forcing, partner can now bid his hand or double.


Duncan Smith


P  When unsure of best action , allow partner's input. I won't be distressed with whatever he chooses over my forcing pass.


Ken Penton


3S  Expose the psych and bid your hand.


Not sure the psyche has been exposed yet.


Alex Fowlie


3NT My double on the last round showed spades, so 3NT now seems right with my 26 count (unless 2D was positive and waiting, in which case I would bid 4NT natural).  Partner can correct to Spades with 3 or 4 spades.  A 3S bid now should show better or longer spades since I would essentially be rebidding them.  Assuming East psyched 2S,I'm not likely to get rich doubling a vulnerable 3C.


Bryan Maksymetz


Dbl  Too much in clubs to pass. Was my first Dbl T/O or penalty. Assuming penalty, you have shown a good hand with Spades and something in Clubs. 800/1100 is probable and perhaps RHO has 65 in the blacks and is in big trouble.


BJ Trelford


P  Forcing. I think east is playing games. Suspect a long diamond suit. Partner has promissed the ace of diamonds and I have shown spade length (pass shows a flat 2nt+ rebid). I can pass and let partner decide what to do from here. We are probably cold for 7 spades.


Pass . When you play an artificial 1♣ or 2♣ openers you must be aware of psychers. The clown on this auction had QJ1098xxx of diamonds and had not got to his real suit yet. You are cold for 7 on this hand and the best way to get there is explained nicely by the female panelists. Partner has spades and will bid them immediately giving the hand some direction. Q bidding and KCB tools take over and you get to your rightful spot. Partners hand QJ10x xxxx Ax Qxx and will bid 3 to expose the psyche from the correct side.


VOTES: 3NT (1)      P (5)      Dbl (3)       3 (1)



Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   East
















1S I put the d4 in with my S and bid them and rebid 2H over any response except hearts, over hearts I splinter :-)


Doran Flock


P I have been known to overcall on this sort of hand before, but not today. Don't want to shut out hearts and lots of losing diamonds.


Susan Culham


P  Okay Bob, playing with you it is a mandatory 1 spade overcall but here I choose to pass.


Kiz Fung


P  Is there an alternative?


Duncan Smith


P Anything other than pass shows a lack of patience. The doubler's risk an untenable club response , the overcaller's (true heroes) risk playing in a silly contract. I know passing is out of fashion , but here, it is the only sensible choice.


Ken Penton


P  Await developments-too many losers to try and be tempted to bid 1S


Alex Fowlie


P  I have 2 or 3 places to play (either major and maybe NT) and only 13 HCP so there is no need to rush in now with a 1S overcall.  1S would have a lot more going for it if I was shorter in hearts so I was less likely to play in a 6 card spade fit rather than an 8 or 9 card heart fit.


Bryan Maksymetz


P  1S is possible.


BJ Trelford


P  Nothing else seems right. Some might bid 1 spade but I don't like it.


Dbl  In matchpoints , I pass because a 2♣ partial is as important as a grand slam. With most partners I pass in IMPS as well but playing with my regular partners I double. I have bought into the “Meckwell” equal level conversion philosophy . The odds are that partner will respond 1 or 2 of a major and we may get to our vul game in IMPS. If partner bids 2♣ , equal level conversion is a scramble to our best spot. I bid 2 which is just a “scramble” and does not show extra as in standard bidding. Partner has xxx AKxxx x xxxx and +650 is there and we may get jammed out of our game. I am more willing to gamble at the one level then wait and see. A double shows the majors and not clubs. Partner beware and do not crawl in at the 5 level with clubs unless you mean it.


VOTES: P (8)          1 (1)         Dbl (1)



Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   North























P  Pass We have no tricks for NT unless partner has a H fit and then we  are likely on for 4H (x KJx Axxxx AT8x )but we wimped and did not bid 2H going in. The best part of Pass is that we may get to hit 3S.


What no “PASS is BAD ! “ . Anybody who knows this particular panel member knows that he has had a life long feud with the green pass cards and hates to use them. However , even for him he has set a record for “PASS IS BAD” comments.


Doran Flock


3NT  I like my hand and try 3nt. My partner will pull when 5C is right ! won't he?


Susan Culham


3S  Partner is a good 5-5 or 6-5. 5 clubs should make and I am not giving up on 6. Matchpoint hounds may choose 3NT.


Kiz Fung


4C  3NT doesn't seem right, there isn't enough tricks. I want to bid 5 clubs directly, but partner may need the spade control to be shown, and 4C should be a very constructive hand.


Duncan Smith


P  There could be "magic" & a game , but particularly non vul , passing rates to obtain the best result in the long run. It is easier to imagine the hand where a trump lead beats 3 clubs than it is to imagine a hand where we have a good play for a game.


Ken Penton


3H We may have a 5-3 fit here and this is the only chance to find it. This may get us past 3NT but partner can bid 3S without the hearts.


Alex Fowlie


3NT  This depends entirely on what 3C showed – just good shape, or shape and extra HCP.  I had this guess about 4 times in the CNTC zone final and, since it was IMPs, I guessed partner had extras or the right cards.  And I was wrong every time – I should know better, Steve never has extras! This hand is why good/bad 2NT was invented.  If I was playing that, partner’s 3C would guarantee extra HCP – he’d bid 2NT first as a relay to 3 of a minor with a minimum that wanted to compete.  I highly recommend it for regular partnerships.


I recommend it very highly also J


Bryan Maksymetz


P  Pard doesn't promise a great hand and the Diamond singleton means we don't have a great source of tricks for NT.


BJ Trelford


3NT  Most likely game.


3NT . Impossible problem because the old fashioned concept of free bids have become extinct. You do not know if partner is going to the 3 level over the opponents 2 level bid in the sandwich because she has invitational values or just competing . In modern bidding where everybody just bids because they paid their card fees , this is competing so some of the panel members passed. Others gambled that partner may have something this time and bid. Crap shoot. As Alex Fowlie mentions,  there is a remedy. The 2NT bid in competitive auctions is a useless bid so make use of it. If you want to compete - bid 2NT ( bad ) and if you have values you bid ( good ) . This is the good-bad 2NT which makes this hand a non problem. Partner shows values by bidding 3♣ and 3NT is a baby bid. If partner bids 2NT , it is Lebensohl and you must bid 3♣ which simply ends the auction. Perfect.


VOTES: 3NT (4)      4♣ (1)  P (3)    3 (1)     3(1)



Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   None;   Dealer:   West
















5* (2)







    What is your opening lead ?







DJ   West has the D control. I am hoping for a stiff and kxx of H so I can continue a D and tap the short H if I do not have 2 H tricks anyway. Why are we not xing this contract? We have defense for S and NT. The benefit of the X is that on the D lead it may cause a trump to be played through the AQ and up to the K in a effort to stop a D ruff.


Ray , if you going to lead like that , double them !!



Doran Flock


DJ I don't think leading the Ace of H is going to fool anyone. West obviously has a diamond control of some kind, I am hoping that if dummy hits with King 3rd of hearts they have to ruff a diamond.


Yup !



Susan Culham


HA No chance to develop a trick in the minor suits. I envision dummy as something like AKQxxx  Kxxx  x Kx. Looks like our only hope is to give declarer a losing option at trick one. Easier to do at home than at the table!



Kiz Fung


H3  Looks like they have enough key cards and extra heart length. If king is on my right, it doesn't matter. If king is on my left and partner is void, this is the only way to come to 2 tricks



Duncan Smith


DJ  I don't think partner rates to have 1 spade & 2 hearts , so nix on a spade lead. Heart A against a weak player might work. No reason to select a club over a diamond.


Especially when a diamond beats the hand !!


Ken Penton


CQ Removing dummies entry to a spade suit that does not run. Can't we double in these events?


Alex Fowlie


DJ This is basically a guess unless declarer has the K of Hearts and can’t ever make it.  The basic idea is to set up a winner in a minor to go with the A of Hearts.  Partner pre-empted in Diamonds, reducing the chance she has the K of Clubs and increasing the chance she has the KQ of Diamonds (or the K with the AQ in dummy).  Against that, it’s more likely that declarer can dump his Diamond loser rather than his Club loser on Spades before touching trumps. The deciding factor is that if diamonds are right and I lead Clubs, I’ll hear for the next month “I bid Diamonds so you would lead Diamonds, not Clubs. Should I have bid Clubs on three small to get a Diamond lead?” 


Good point . Do not have to listen to partner if diamond lead was right.



Bryan Maksymetz


DJ More likely to build a quick trick than Club Queen. Also, if LHO is 6313 with Kxx in H, and pard has KQ of Diamonds, this lead also wins.


Good lead . Applied a 6-3-3-1 hand pattern before you led . I like it !



BJ Trelford


CQ  Is this keycard blackwood???? I assume it is and west is not dumb. He has to have the king of hearts (missing the queen and my partner pre-empting) plus their side can't have a diamond losers. Partner could have dbled for a spade ruff (worth the gamble). So I lead a club. Partner could even have the king.


J  This lead problem is deciding on deception or applying a hand pattern before you lead. The heart bidder showed two Aces on the bidding and the heart king is going to appear on the dummy or else this a non problem (should be doubled as some of the panel mention ) . I do preach hand patterns as the basis for most (all opening leads ) so here is how I would reason. Give declarer 6’s as she is missing the AKQ of the suit. Give dummy a stiff diamond as she leapt to 4NT so the diamond bid must have had an influence on this auction. OK construct a dummy AKQ10xx Kxx Q Kxx and the lead becomes obvious. Lead the diamond Jack , Queen , King and Ace . Win the heart Ace and tap the dummy to promote your trump queen. The card gods dealt you the diamond ten for a reason J.  Real hand and LHO lost 17 IMPs and lamented that he should have led partners suit !!


VOTES: DJ (6)        H3 (1)      CQ (2)     HA (1)