Problem #:
1; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul: Both; Dealer:
♠84 AJ109 J8532
Duncan Smith
prefer a dbl. to show both majors , so I may possibly miss a 4-4 heart fit.
Never been a fan of xing with this type of hand & correcting a spade
response , though I think it will score best. Support with support.
Bryan Maksymetz
we can back into a H fit.
Ken Penton
DBL I may find myself correcting my partners spade
call to diamonds but I'm not prepared to miss the heart fit. If I pass now
and west raises clubs we will miss hearts in most auctions.
Doran Flock
DBLObviously converting to diamonds over spades. don't want to bury
heart suit and decent hand with simple 2D bid ... maybe my double will keep
them out of spades !
Good point , psychological aspect of negative
double to be considered.
Kiz Fung
2DIf we
have a heart fit, and partner is strong enough, we'll get there.
Yes , partner will need to be strong to buy this
auction if we have a double fit.
BJ Trelford
DBLNegative? This is pretty bad. Hope partner has hearts. I can retreat
to diamonds over spades. Hope partner doesn’t take that as forcing. At IMPs
I just bid 3 diamonds pre-emptive.
Ray Grace
pard where u live. Pard has to bid 2H for this hand to be worth another call.
2s will fetch 3H. Pass and Double lead to 3NT by the opps where partner has
no idea what to lead or 4S x in the 4-2 fit.
enough HCP to negative double. May have to correct at the 4 level if the
auction goes: 1D 2C dble 3C 3 spades by partner. Hoping to win the partial
Alex Fowlie
DBL When partner will get another chance, I usually
pass with only 5 or 6 HCP (especially opposite Steve’s usual 10 HCP when
we’re already too high at the one level!).But it is a nice 6 with the good hearts and diamonds, and I’ll be
happy to bid 3D over 2S, so I’ll double.
3♦I’m not very competent in match points
but I do know that partner is allowed to convert negative doubles for
penalty. Holding 5 of partners suit will kill her hand defensively. I would
like to keep the spade vultures out or in at the 3 level if partner
has spades. Even if partner has 4♥
, they will balance in spades anyway.
(4)2D (5)3D (1)
Problem #:
2; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
N/S; Dealer: North
K8 105 854 KQ10986
Duncan Smith
4SToo good
to pass. Rebidding clubs is a viable alternative , but I like my hand ,
want to hear more so as to arrive at the correct strain.
Bryan Maksymetz
be KC.
Ken Penton
4SNot sure
if we belong in hearts or clubs. 4S is card showing and asks for more
The D.S.I.P. Q Bid ??
Doran Flock
6C To heck with science, bid what you think you can
make. presumably 6C denies any first round controls, shows 2nd round spade
control and a semi-solid 6 or 7 card suit.
Kiz Fung
have much more than a positive club hand (with 2 of the top three honours)
but I've already told partner that. This hand may be useless to partner.
This was my first thought also ,but it’s a bit unilateral in my
opinion.Your pass was the popular
answer in the original Bridge World.
BJ Trelford
4S Q-bid. I have too much to pass. My partners
don't open 2 clubs with junk.
Ray Grace
4NTRKC - my
hand is too good to pass - I am certainly good in 5H and if not partner
should not have opened 2C. The killer hand will have both black aces as
stiff. More reasonable I expect AX AkQxxxx Aqx J :-) Pard may bid 6C over
4n to place the contract.
PI was
able to show my hand. Partner had the option to keycard in clubs and
correct to hearts if interested.This was the Bridge World
Alex Fowlie
consider 4H forcing after my positive response, so pass is out.4NT would be perfect if I was sure it
was natural, but I’m not.So I’ll
cuebid my spade king, leaving partner room to key-card (and find out I have
4♠One more shot. You can argue like Kiz
& Susan that 2♣ is forcing to game and we are there but it’s so
final. We do not have much more than we announced but the 5 level should be
safe. We can tell out teammates that they pushed us there with a 4♠ bid. I call this the
“prepared lie” . Penton’s invention of a D.S.I.P.Q bid is duly noted J.
VOTES : 6C (1)4S (5)P (2)4NT (2)
Problem #:
3; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
None; Dealer: South
A5 AKJ10965
Duncan Smith
4D 4 diamonds , showing huge diamonds , 4 card
spade support , and game going values. This seems to be exactly what I
have. A pox on a 4 club splinter.
Bryan Maksymetz
5C Looks like exclusion time.
I like that toy J
Ken Penton
4D This bid comes down to agreement. I play that 4D
shows the hand I have. Will raise spades if partner signs off.
Doran Flock
5S5S says
to bid 6 with decent spades ... therefore i will bid it.
Your bid has the advantage of concealing your hand
from the opening lead.
Kiz Fung
4DI like
this convention to show the solid diamond suit with spades.
BJ Trelford
shows 4 spades and 6 diamonds. This is a underbid but I hope partner can
bid 4h on the way. I will bid 5 spades asking about spades over 4H.
Ray Grace
5NT Do you have AK of spades? 4D COMES TO MIND as
swiss or 5C exclusion BUT what does pard do with AKxxx xxx xx xxx over a 6H
sack? 5NT makes it all clear. I pay to 8xxx for 1S.
is a great tool here looking for 6 or 7 spades. This should not be natural
when opponent has promised the suit. Yes and you could get out in 5♠ with a horrible response.
Correct hand taking control.
Alex Fowlie
4DShows 4
card support and long, strong diamonds, which is what I’ve got.East’s double doesn’t change this.I’ll likely make another try over 4S
(quite what I’m not sure).
5♣This hand is about gambling vrs science. Meckstroth jumped to 5NT
with this hand hoping partner did not have Jxxxxx of spades. Do you ask or
tell with this hand ? The danger is if partner does not hold the right
spades , youhave tipped them off
to the killing lead against 5♠.
I prefer exclusion Blackwood. If partner does not have the right spades ,
we can sign off at 5♠ ( difficult to do after
5NT ) butI have tipped them off to
a heart or diamond lead . I think this is a hand to take control .
Bidding 4♦transfers the decision
to partner and we know this hand is just about the trump suit but partner
does not.
VOTES5NT (1)5C (3)5S (1)4D (5)
Problem #:
4; Scoring: IMPS; Vul:
E/W; Dealer: South
♠Q ♥A9
Duncan Smith
like a good flexible choice. 3 good things can happen. 1.Partner passes ,
& we do well.2. Partner bids 3
clubs. 3. Partner bids 3 diamonds. 2nt for minors precludes defending 2
hearts x .
Bryan Maksymetz
out with extras.
Ken Penton
Nice understanding J
Doran Flock
love to have another heart ... i sure hope partner has 3 if they pass. My
point count is not bad and I shouldn't be overly strong in hearts in front
of vul. overcaller.
Kiz Fung
Dbl Take out, but partner can convert.
BJ Trelford
Dbl Partner is a minimum. Double here is do
something partner. If partner passes I am happy. If partner rebids spades I
will bid 3 clubs. If partner bids a minor I will pass.
Ray Grace
2NT too many points. I would have bid 2d going in
and then 3C.
3HDenies spades,
denies 2 heart stoppers, must have the minors. Partner can bid 3NT or
better minor.Not bad , but you miss the
penalty conversion on a misfit 5-4-2-2.
Alex Fowlie
PI don’t
think we have a game here, with partner silent over 2H, so I’ll go quietly
in IMPs.This could be very wrong
but I’m not sure what to bid if I do bid, with every choice a potential
disaster.In matchpoints, I’d
double hoping for 200.
of this panel has got it right. How can a double in front of the suit be
penalty ? This is D.S.I.P. even when not playing that treatment.The Bridge World panel bid 2NT with this
hand because they were afraid of the double. Nonsense !
VOTES:P (1)Dbl (7)3H (1)2NT (1)
Problem #:
5; Scoring: IMPS; Vul: N/S
; Dealer: East
10843 AJ2 AK9876
Duncan Smith
DblNo safety
at 5 level. Too bad if 6 clubs is cold.
Bryan Maksymetz
pass is forcing - she is showing values with nothing wasted in H. We might
make 6 on a good day - but then again we may be down in 5.
Ken Penton
PIf partner
cannot act over 5H I quit as he knows I've a good hand.
Doran Flock
had a chance to bid and passed. i gave it a shot at 4 level but not willing
to unilaterly bid 5, particularly at this vulnerability and catch my
partner with no distribution and no points (worst case). now, about that
lead ...
With no points & no distribution at the game
level & above on this vulnerability , we would pass the double –590 is
better than –800. Partner may have 4 defensive tricks and you luck out beating
4♥ but 4♠X still goes for -500. You
have xxxx xxx xxx xxxopposite
Qxxx x AKxx AKxx . You go for –800 by bidding 4♠ but they go one down in 4♥! Vulnerability rules this
Kiz Fung
PPass by
partner should not be forcing. Partner heard me make him bid.
BJ Trelford
pass is forcing. Double by partner would have been penalties. Partners pass
tells me they have nothing in hearts and some values so I am happy to bid 5
spades. (We are Vul vs NV so 650 is better than 500)
Ray Grace
5S this may not be our hand. I expect pard to bid 7
with akqxx of S. i am not sure that I pass 4S.
PAnticipating the disaster spade lead. No forcing pass here as
partner was forced to bid. This could be their hand.
Alex Fowlie
6CI don’t
know why I bid 4S last time with this great hand with strong clubs.I’d have bid 5H.Now it’s too late for 5H, so I’ll try
clubs and see what develops.Yes , partner should
hold something on this auction (vulnerability) .
5♠Partners pass is forcing . Why ? Kantar
explains it this way in the original Bridge World. You are vul &
they are not. Vulnerability turns on forcing passes.If you had nothing at this level
, you would bite the bullet and pass partner’s double hoping to beat the
contract. Therefore , if you choose to bid a vul game aginst nv
opponents albeit partner forced you , forcing passes are on. Kantar
says its just a practical way to play this one vulnerability .
There can be a case made to have that
understanding with all vulnerabilities at this level . If you can bail out
by passing with a weak hand or by bidding 4NT Lebensohl with weak
distributional hands , bidding should mean something. NV opponents take a
lot of liberties in these auctions , so you need a way to fight back.
Partners hand is AKxxx xxx 10xx xx and 6♠ has a good play. WithJxxx xxx Qxxx Jx
partner would pass 4♥x hoping to beat it.
VOTES:6C (1)5S (4)P
(4)Dbl (1)
Problem #:
6; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul: None;
Dealer: North
♠Q4 QJ632
Duncan Smith
bid I would make if 2 of the low clubs were diamonds. Probably not thrilled
if pard passes , but may be O.K.
Not thrilled ? I would hide under the table J
Bryan Maksymetz
DBLBoy do
I have support for the unbid suits.
Ken Penton
a dbl may work here I do not want to be defending 2DX with these soft
values. I best bid my suits and find a fit.
Good matchpoint bid.
Doran Flock
3Ci will
start with 6 card suit, which admittedly may make hearts difficult to
introduce. unless partner has spades and diamonds this auction is not
stopping at 3C.
Yup !
Kiz Fung
partner leaves this in, I gulp and take my lumps (it's matchpoints!!)
BJ Trelford
hand is worth at least 10 points so I'll try 2 hearts. If I bid 3 clubs I
may lose the heart suite and if I double we may miss a 5-3 heart fit. I can
always support spades later if all else fails.
Ray Grace
2HEverything else is 2 tough and raising 2s to 4s and splintering over
3C :-)
and I play this as a comes up all the time.
Alex Fowlie
responsive double seems automatic to me.If partner chooses to pass (the only call I don’t want to hear),
he’ll have very good defense since he’s under the 2D bidder.
3♣“Being a passed hand has its privileges” . 6-5 are meant for bidding
and not doubling. Being a passed hand there is no reason why you can not
show your shape. The opponents are bidding your void. If not a passed hand
, I am forced to make a negative double and hope partner does not convert
for penalty.
VOTES: DBL (5)3C (2)2H (3)
Problem #:
7; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul:
N/S; Dealer: South
♠A87 10842 AKQJ
Duncan Smith
5C3nt may
be off the heart suit. Partner won't have the heart Ace plus club AQ , but
can probably ( almost certainly )make 6 clubs if pard has a stiff heart ,
but I don't know how to find out.
Bryan Maksymetz
3NT What else?
Kenny Rogers sings something about gambling .
Ken Penton
3NT 5C is my second choice but that is when partner
has 3 dead hearts. I'll take my chances for 9 tricks
Doran Flock
3D Have to take a shot at 6C, or could partner have
7C and an outside Ace ?? 3C vul in first suit vs. not-vul shows a very good
hand. If partner bids 3nt does that deny a heart or spade control? One
could just bid 6C and hope ptnr has it or they don't lead it.
My sentiments exactly.
Kiz Fung
3NTIn a
sophisticated partnership, there may be a method to ask for a heart
singleton, however, if not, this hand looks like it belongs in 3NT.
Kokish says a 4♥ jump is an asking
bid in hearts … 3♥ shows hearts and is forcing.
BJ Trelford
I think they may be able to take the first 5 hearts so I hope partner can
show a heart stopper with a 3 hearts call. If partner bids anything other
than 3 hearts I'll bid 5 clubs. I am tempted to bid 3nt but I have seen too
many of these go down.
Ray Grace
3D asking for partner's 4 card ,major. (We play 3C
promises 6C and a 4 card major or a 1 loser c suit and he will rebid 3NT
with the 1 loser C suit. I will try 4C KCB over 3S and shoot out the slam
in C opposite AQ.
partner have a stiff heart and we are cold for 6? Is 3NT in jeopardy on a
heart lead and 5 clubs is cold? All possible but at matchpoints 3NT looks
like the best spot.
Alex Fowlie
knows we’re VUL, so he should have AQ seventh of clubs.3NT should make unless they run 5 hearts
(and they haven’t led them yet!) and it’s matchpoints.In IMPs, I might try 3D to see if we
could get to 6C.
6♣“Got to know when to hold them and when to fold them” . You have 12
tricks without a heart lead. 1 chance out of 4 to beat the contract ? OK ,
One chance out of 3 ? If partner has a stiff heart,it is cold anyway. Pot odds for gamblers
? If partner has a doubleton heart and they find the heart lead –50 might
tie 3NT down one after cashing the first 5 hearts or even beat 3NT –100 as
they cash 6 hearts J
Maybe this is why I lose at matchpoints L.Conservative panel but maybe 6♣
bidders in IMPS . In the original Bridge World , there were gambling 6NT
bidders !!. Stiff heart does not do them any good though.
VOTES : 5C (1)3NT (5)3D
(3)6C (1)
Problem #:
8; Scoring: Matchpts; Vul:
E/W; Dealer: East
A93 K3 Q1042 J1084
is your opening lead ?
Duncan Smith
D2If heart
King works now , it will also work later. If starting the heart King
doesn't work , it may be too late. Second choice would be a small trump .
which could easily be our best move. This is a mediocre solution to a
difficult problem.
Bryan Maksymetz
leads are always tempting in these auctions. However, we don't know if
partner is leaving it in because he has a good hand and is hoping for a 2+
trick set. Or he has some Aces and Kings and is hoping to beat it 1. We should
get a second chance to lead trumps once we see the dummy.
Ken Penton
S3Heart K
is a close second but felt with our balance of power I want to prevent any
crossruffing that looms.
Doran Flock
predict 100% unanimity on this non-choice. (although perhaps someone will
lead spade A and another)
Bridge World had S3 as the popular choice.
Kiz Fung
there are too many points in the deck, the rule says to lead trump, because
opponent's tricks will only come from the trump suit.
Yup !
BJ Trelford
S3The dbl
of 3 spades was responsive. I think they are to high. I want them to play
it in nt. A close second would be the ace of spades but partners pass
indicates something in spades.( partner had King
of spades )
Ray Grace
KH lets get our ruffs and aces. I have trump
are their tricks coming from...double and lead trump!
Alex Fowlie
SAA trump
seems marked – I control the minors and partner should have 4 hearts to go
with my K3.Where are their tricks
coming from except from ruffs?With
this holding, you usually lead low to retain trump control and perhaps
communication with partner, planning to lead two more rounds at your next
chance.But I’m afraid I may not
get in again soon enough and pard may have a stiff spade, so I’m going to
remove two trumps from dummy right now.Not bad
female panelists say it best. We have the balance of HCP power so where are
they getting tricks ? You have a 2nd chance to switch to the ♥ King anyway.