Problem #: 1;   Scoring: IMPS:   Vul: Both;   Dealer: North



















BJ Trelford


P  2 dia is constructive and 3 diamonds is pre-emptive. I think I will wait and see what happens. I don't have enough to splinter.


Probably giving the opponents too much room.


Duncan Smith


3D  3D as a limit raise feels about right. Will bid 2nt if that shows limit raise. Second choice , 2 clubs.




Kiz Fung


2C  They have a minimum 8 card spade fit, so while this bid is not forcing, it is unlikely to be passed. It is also conceivable that they could be declaring this hand, in which case I need to get partner off to the right lead. If partner supports clubs, I'll convert back to diamonds to give partner the message.


Good bid for the right reasons.


Alex Fowlie


2NT  Shows a limit raise or better since I don’t play flip-flop where 3D would be limit and 2NT preemptive.  Not good enough for 3S which I play as a game-forcing splinter.


Bryan Maksymetz


2NT This would be an ideal hand for a FJS 3C bid, but perhaps that is not part of the system. Showing a fit, limit plus values and making the opponents look for a spade fit at the 3 level makes 2NT a good second choice. Not enough for 3S.


Yes , Nice hand for the fit showing jump toy. Splinter an overbid.


Ken Penton


2NT  limit raise


Doran Flock


3S  Redouble just doesn't seem to cut it when hand could be dependant on my single spade. Hopefully puts ptnr in position to make master bid, whatever that is. This is forcing only to 4D.


Lee Barton would approve J


3  Up on my soap box . Bridge World Standard bids 2NT with this hand showing a limit raise in diamonds. This is a terrible bid. With a minor fit , the goal is 3NT. You are virtually guaranteed to “wrong side” the 3NT with this treatment. The doubler is behind partner’s opener and in my time I have seen 3NT sunk so many times by leads thru the strong hand I can not even count them. I play “flip flop” and the 3 jump is a limit raise and 2NT is pre-emptive. We will never play 3NT opposite a diamond pre-empt unless partner forgot to open 2♣.


VOTES: 2♣ (1)        P (1)       3 (2)        3 (1)      2NT (3)





Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   East




















BJ Trelford


DBL Too much to pass. If partner has a flat 12 count and values in the majors we could make 4 of a major. Can pull 3 diamonds to hearts showing both majors.


Duncan Smith


DBL X to get both majors in. Passed hand status allows me to correct 3d to 3h without overstating my values. If partner can convert to penalties , I'm thrilled.


Kiz Fung


4C  Definitely an overbid, but I won't pass in matchpoints and a double won't show the 5-5 in majors. 


Alex Fowlie


DBL You can’t pass here.  VUL vs. NV after a third seat pre-empt, you MUST balance.  Unless West is playing around with a good hand (he got me this time!), partner is marked with lots of high cards.  I double first in case pard has a penalty pass.  I’ll correct 3D to 3H to show both majors.


Bryan Maksymetz


P  Avoid those -200 situations at matchpoints. We might make 3 of a major, but we might also go down 2. Assuming everyone is making normal bids, partner doesn't have much of a hand or he has a good hand to defend for +200 and a good score our way.


Ken Penton


DBL Appears both sides have half the deck.If partner can pass I just may have enough and if he bids 3D I'll remove to 3H which he should read as me also having spades.


Doran Flock


DBL Yes, offshape but I can pull ptnr's diamond bid to hearts. It seems to me that a pass is a bit risky at matchpoints and my defense isn't bad if ptnr would like to pass.


DBL   Alex Fowlie is right on as is most of the panel. You are not bidding your hand but “bidding the table” . The opponents are both a passed hand and a 3rd seat pre-empt. Partner has the biggest hand at this table.


VOTES:     DBL (6)     4♣ (1)       P (1)




Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   E/W;   Dealer:   South





















BJ Trelford


XX  I don't like a 2nt (limit) here because it wrong sides the no trump. I will bid clubs later.


Yes , xx is lesser of the evils.


Duncan Smith


P  This weird choice is made because I think a listen to the opponents will put me in a better position to make my next call. Expect 0 support , not to mention the ridicule to be heaped upon me.


You are too good of a player for heaping ridicule but I will give it my best shot. The definition of pass according to Webster is lacking 6 HCP’s or support for partner. Your hand obviously lacks both those criteria J


Kiz Fung


2C It looks like east is bidding the club void. If I pass, I'll never convince partner that we have 6 tricks off the top in notrump. I start with a modest bid and then cue bid their suit if given a chance.


The phantom Q bid strikes !


Alex Fowlie


3NT Who knows who can make what.  NV vs. VUL, let’s get the auction up high fast in case it is their hand for 4 of a major.  If pard has a balanced hand, I don’t want to bid past 3NT.  If I get to play there, it might make if partner stops all the other suits or West picks the wrong suit to lead.  This is probably what 3NT should show but I don’t have an explicit agreement with any of my partners.


Much better bid if the opponents lead out of turn J


Bryan Maksymetz


XX Hope to hear pard bid NT, which we will happily raise to game.


Ken Penton


3NT Bid what I think I can make


Doran Flock


XX  At this vul definitely thinking about 5C, maybe even 3nt, however gambling a bit that 3nt might make from ptnr's side and that a bid from LHO won't be that helpful to E/W. 


XX  This is the same theme as the other hand but more so. XX usually denies a fit but rules are made to be broken. Steer 3NT to the correct side.


VOTES: 3NT (2)      XX (4)           2♣(1)        P (1)






Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   South


























BJ Trelford


3C  Where is the 2 club bid? Could partner have a trap pass of 1 spades? Maybe but we are vulnerable and I don't think we can beat it enough.


Yes , vulnerability is the over riding factor in this hand.


Duncan Smith


Dbl  If partner converts , it will be bloody. Prefer 2 clubs to X , using t.o. X to get hearts into the picture , if spades get bid again (Highly unlikely ). 3nt not given as an option , but I strongly suspect that's where we belong , & have a feeling that would be my bid at the table.


Kiz Fung


Dbl   I don't like to double with a void, but options with this hand are limited. Don't want to lose the heart suit. 


Alex Fowlie


3C  I don’t want to defend at the one level at this colour and partner is unlikely to have 5 hearts unless she is very weak.  For both those reasons, I don’t double.  3C should show about this hand.  I’m hoping pard can correct to 3NT (or even 3H on a good day).


Bryan Maksymetz


Dbl  If pard passes, we should cart them away. 6C is still possible. 3C second choice.


Ken Penton


3C  A bid that describes a big 2 suits


Doran Flock


3C I don't like to make a low-level double with a void in their suit at any time, but particularly at this vul.


3♣  Do not set partner up for a wrong decision on this vulnerability. You need so little for a vul slam and 1 converted nv will never compensate for +1370.  Partner might convert with diamond shortness , spades , a good hand & gulp clubs !


VOTES:        3♣ (5)          Dbl (3)




Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   Matchpts ;   Vul:   N/S ;   Dealer:   East




















BJ Trelford


P  I think the opponents just saved us.


But is your pass forcing ?


Duncan Smith


Dbl  Not sure we have any game. Expect to beat 4h 2-3 tricks , 4 on the greatest of days.


Kiz Fung


5D This looks like a hand where east doesn't have a lot of HCP (failed to overcall at the first instance) but has a lot of distribution, perhaps an 8 or 9 card suit. 


Alex Fowlie


P   I wouldn’t bid 3NT unless I hoped to make when VUL vs. NV.  So, my pass should be forcing and ask pard to do something intelligent for once.  With my luck, pard will have two hearts but also the Q of spades and double when 5D is cold.


Yes , bidding a vul game against nv opponents turn on forcing passes even opposite a pre-empt.


Bryan Maksymetz


P Trusting partner to bid on with H shortness or double with H length.


Ken Penton


P  Pass needs agreement that this is forcing and partner must decide on doubling or bidding game as he has a good idea of the type of hand I generally have for my 3NT bid. On this vulnerability he should also be sound.


Doran Flock


P  Forcing pass, if ptnr has a couple of hearts and would like to double that is fine by me, a bid should mean we can make at least 5D.


P  Most of the panel has it right. Pass is forcing and partner is expected to bid or double depending on heart length. Meckstroth said in the original Bridge World “saved by the opponents” as my pass is forcing.


VOTES : 5 (1)        P (6)       Dbl (1)




Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   IMPS; Vul:  None;   Dealer:   North


















BJ Trelford


3NT  If my clubs were better I would consider looking for a club slam. I have too much wasted in the majors.


Duncan Smith


3NT  I'll bid what I think I can make. Rounded suits are wrong for 2 H , 4th suit. ( ie. the values are " too slow".


Kiz Fung


2H  Slam has possibilities if partner has the right hand. I'll set up the game force to see if partner can show me a fifth club or something else good. If partner bids 2NT showing a heart card, I sign off in 3NT.


Alex Fowlie


3NT Just barely enough to force to game when playing with Steve but 3NT should have some play!  Seriously though, 3NT describes my hand awfully well – I would have bid 2H (4th suit) if I had 5 spades, so I must be 43 in the majors.  If partner has slam interest or lots of shape, he can pull knowing that I fit one minor.


Bryan Maksymetz


3NT 4th suit without 5 in major or decent clubs could overstate the value of this hand.


Ken Penton


3NT minimum opener with partner's opener-he is allowed to bid on.


Doran Flock


2H  A bit too early to declare contract and level. More info. will hopefully be useful.


2NT   Most of the panel got it right. 4th suit forcing and balanced hands are a bad mix. Granovettor writes why not have the best of both worlds ? Agree that 2NT is a 4th suit forcing treatment by defining it as a one round force. Keeps the bidding low , right sides the NT and especially takes away those ugly artificial 4th suit forcing bids. If a club slam , partner can shape out under 3NT.


VOTES:   3NT (5)       2 (2)        2NT (1)



Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   West





























BJ Trelford


4H Keycard in support of diamonds. 4nt here should be to play.


Duncan Smith


6D  Since 4nt isn't blackwood , but , regressive , I'll blast 6d on a probable Moysian. If 2 Aces are missing ( unlikely , but possible ) I'm dead wrong.


Kiz Fung


4H  In the standard 2/1 system, 3S has shown a solid suit demanding a cue bid, so I would never have bid 3NT. Since this is a "bridge world" problem, I'll assume that it is a hand showing spades and diamonds; I'll convey the message that I like diamonds.


No , you were right all along.


Alex Fowlie


4NT 3S showed a VERY strong spade suit and set spades as trump playing with Steve.  So 4D is a cue bid (the Ace not a void) trying for slam despite my discouraging 3NT bid.  In that context, I have a great hand (maybe too good for 3NT last time), so it’s time to trot out the “old Black” and try for 7.


Excellent , you and the Master Solvers director ( Eric Kokish that month) are in total agreement.


Bryan Maksymetz


4H  Not sure we want to be at the 5 level, so will pass 4S. If we bid 5C and pard bids 5S, will we know what to do? So 4H shows our lowest Ace or King and cooperates below game (4S).


Ken Penton


4H  Tell partner you have a great fit for him


Doran Flock


5D  Ptnr has solid spades, Ace diamonds and wants to go on, like a 7th spade or something ... I will "raise" diamonds in case ptnr wants to bid 6D (which is unlikely), I will bid 6nt over 5S and hope we can find 12 tricks. Over 5H (again unlikely) will bid 7nt.


Good bid from Calgary.


4  Encouraging noise for a spade slam. The 3 bid sets trump with a solid or semi-solid suit . Partner’s diamond Q bid just shows that she has extra. You will co-operate. Kokish said time to remove the ambiguity in these particular auctions. Spades are trump period.


VOTES: 5 (1)         4(5)           4NT (1)         6 (1)




Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   E/W;   Dealer:   South



























    What is your opening lead ?





BJ Trelford


S9  If partner wanted a heart lead they would pass through out and I would lead one. The double of 5 diamond would be my lead but partner doubled again telling me to lead something else.... spades. (unless they screwed up by dbling 5 dia?)



Duncan Smith


D2 Normally , this second double cancels the earlier X, but if a d is right against spades ( probably what partner thought was going to be trump ), it's also likely to be best against clubs. These have all been tough problems . I hope to not score zero.


Kiz Fung


D8  Partner doubles 5 Diamonds for the lead; if partner doesn't want a diamond lead but wants to double the slam, partner had that opportunity.


Partner thought she was on lead against spades when she doubled diamonds. They double crossed her.



Alex Fowlie


D8 Partner’s first double showed diamond length and suggested a sac against 6S, since he presumably expected to be on lead against 6S.  His second double?  That’s a little trickier!  My normal agreement against 3NT when we’ve both bid a suit is that double demands the lead of my suit (since, as a good partner, I would normally lead his suit).  Does that apply against 6C?  Or is he asking for an unusual lead (a spade)?  Or does he want a diamond through dummy? I don’t think he can want a spade after he suggested a diamond sac and, for the same reason, he shouldn’t be void in hearts, so I’m guessing he wants a diamond after all.



Bryan Maksymetz


D2  Pard asked for a D lead - a count 2 (3/5th) is better than the 8.



Ken Penton


D2  from the auction partner is saying they are going down-my lead gives him diamond count.



Doran Flock


S9  Obviously i lead a diamond without second double. I'm not sure who has what on first, however second double seems clear, lead dummy's first bid suit ... so I do. 


S9    If partner wanted a diamond lead , she should be content to pass and beat the slam. The 2ND double is like the Bridgebase “undo button” . The 2nd double negates the 1st  .  The opponents switching trump complicates this hand.  Spade lead beats the hand because partner gets spade king before diamond is knocked out for a ruffing finesse. With a diamond lead , it is all over for the defense.


VOTES: D8 (2)        D2 (3)           S9 (3)