Problem #: 1;   Scoring: IMPS:   Vul: Both;   Dealer: North























Doran Flock


4S  Too good to pass, not good enough to cue bid, diamonds too poor to bid, so hope 4S makes.


BJ Trelford


4H  Showing a willingness to play any game. I will pass any minor or 4 spades. See Bryan’s answer re the 4 bid


Kiz Fung


4S   Preempts are meant to put on pressure and I am under pressure. I know that partner may have a three card suit, and I'll probably pull if doubled.


Duncan Smith


4H  4 hearts. Since I won't pass ,I'll make a bid that has a chance at arriving somewhere playable (sp?). This is a terrible hand to bid. I have no idea what to do , so Bob , although 4h may have the support of others , I think it stinks. Please hide my answer.  See Bryan’s answer re the 4 bid


Bryan Maksymetz


4S   4H should guarantee a 4th spade. Slam prospects are not great - maybe in D if pard has Axxx  xxx Qxxxx x - but I can't see how we get there.


Alex Fowlie


4D  This is a question of “what is the best game.”  While partner could be broke, you need to assume she has about 6 to 8 points over preempts.  4D shows this type of hand – strong but with support for other suits as well (but not 4 spades).  Let partner make the final decision.


Ken Penton


4H   The perils of preempts. Jack 5th could be enough for game so I must let partner in on my holding



4  The 4 level should have special status. Pre-emption to the 4 level is common so understandings are needed. At the 4 level you have no room,  so a Q bid should always signal 4 trump & a slam try in partners suit. I agree with Mr. Fowlie in that a new suit should imply uncertainty where to play a game. We are obviously strong for bidding again & showing a single suited diamond hand at the 4 level makes little sense as we are passed 3NT. Better to signal a grope for the best game when past the 3NT level.


VOTES :  4 (3)    4 (3)     4 (2)




Problem #:   2;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   West


♠ J8764




















Doran Flock


5D  Tempting to bid 4S ... maybe I will get chance to bid 5S against 5H sacrifice ?? In the meantime will bid my good suit. Also tempting to bid michaels, however ptnr would play me for more than this collection.



BJ Trelford


DBL  Will play 4 spades or correct 5 clubs to 5 diamonds.


Kiz Fung


DBL  Can't really pass, so options are double/4NT/5D. Because I have diamonds, it is more flexible to double because I could always pull 5C to 5D and partner should get the message that I have 2 suits. 


Duncan Smith


DBL  Compared to #1 , this is "baby". I like double for it's flexibility , if nothing else.It allows for 4 hearts doubled , 4 spades , 5 diamonds . The only contract it may preclude (if & when partner passes) is 4 hearts.


Bryan Maksymetz


DBL  Too much upside to pass. Hoping for a 4S bid from pard. If we bid 4S and it goes DBL Pass Pass will we know what to do?


Alex Fowlie


5D  Who knows what is right here.  Partner didn’t act over 1H but that could be because he has 3 or 4 hearts and not because he’s weak.  My guess is that we should try to play this hand.  I’m bidding 5D because it may make when 4S does too and it is less likely to go for a number (it will be hard for opponents to double when my diamonds are this good).  Second choice is double, hoping partner has 4 spades, but if he passed or bid 5C, I wouldn’t be particularly happy.


Ken Penton


4S  Risk is high that I'm giving the opponents a big number-however he will fit one of the suits-a double will determine if I bid again.


4   This was the popular answer in the Bridge World. They treated this auction as a “pre-balance”. There were many wise crack answers like “4 is a transfer to spades” . The most bizarre answer came from Zia who said he is too strong to bid 4 so he bids 5 !! Doubling with 6-5 distro’s is risky as partner just might play you for “cards” and pass with any excuse. Partner should pull 4X on these auctions to 4NT to pick a minor with any excuse as partner is in effect bidding your hand. I think rescue bids apply in these auctions even undoubled rather than interpreted as a forward going gesture. 4 on that suit makes no sense otherwise.


VOTES: 4 (2)    DBL (4)     5 (2)




Problem #:   3;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   North





















Doran Flock


Dbl  Double implies you can stand ptnr to sit for it, which i can, however ptnr highly unlikely to pass at this vul. If ptnr bids 2H i retreat to 2S, by not bidding this directly ptnr knows if he can't stand it to go to 3C. Maybe he can finesse a 2N call on a little bit in diamonds ??


BJ Trelford


2S  This shows 8 to a bad 10 points. This is a bit of an under bid but my suit is bad. Will bid game if partner make another bid.


Kiz Fung


2S  Tough problem. Any one of 3 or 4 bids could be right. Pass could be right, but at imps there could easily be a vulnerable game. 


Duncan Smith


Dbl  DSIP. Let's tell partner it's our hand. Doesn't show 100 honours in diamonds.


Bryan Maksymetz


Dbl  With any luck pard will bid 2H and we can bid 2S to show this hand. We have the values for a 3S bid, but not the suit.


Alex Fowlie


2S   This is constructive when VUL the way Steve and I play – an immediate jump to 2S would have shown 4 to 7 HCP.  I’m happy if partner bids again, whatever he may choose.  My spades are too weak for 3S.


Ken Penton


3S   A slight overbid but tell partner you have a 6th spade.Vulnerable games at imps are not to be missed.


Dbl  Best of both worlds. As Duncan says , it advertises your HCP’s and as Bryan says the odds are you get to bid 2 over 2 anyway.


VOTES :  DBL ( 4 )       2 ( 3 )        3 (1)




Problem #:   4;   Scoring:   IMPS;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   West


























Doran Flock


P  My hand is interesting, however if ptnr can't limit raise it seems awfully speculative to invite game.


BJ Trelford


3D  Short suit game try. At imps I will stretch to get to a game. Partner only needs xxxxx x xxxx KJx for game to be possible so my hand is worth another bid.


Kiz Fung


2NT  I would like to make one try for game, so I opt for a Kokish game try. It may also keep out the minor suit balancer.


Duncan Smith


3H  Not so much a misbid as an overbid.  Shows ’s ??


Bryan Maksymetz


P  3C HSGT? 2S might be too high.


Alex Fowlie


4S  I’m VUL at IMPs and this may make opposite as little as 4 spades, a stiff heart and some club values (or a defensive error).  If I was playing short-suit game tries (as I do with some partners), I might try 3D instead to get partner involved.


Ken Penton


3C  If partner can help here I want to be in game.If I had a way to see if he had one heart I'd probably just bid the game.


Pass  This is why I do not like a jump raise to be pre-emptive . I like to play the bid as a simple raise with 4 trump. Knowing partner has 4 trump makes game a good possibility on this hand. With 3 trump , 2 may be too high. I like the Bergen notion of a simple raise shows 3 trump under any circumstance. Prevents game tries that drive the partial too high.


VOTES:  Pass (3)    2NT (1)      4 (1)      3 (1)     3 (1)      3♣ (1)



Problem #:   5;   Scoring:   Matchpts ;   Vul:   N/S ;   Dealer:   East




















Doran Flock


Dbl  Who knows what they open weak 2's on these days ? Hope ptnr can sit, if they bid a quiet 2S I suppose i will have to pass.


BJ Trelford


3D  Nothing else seems right.


Kiz Fung


2NT  This is matchpoints, so I have to gamble that lefty doesnt have a solid suit, perhaps partner has a stopper. I don't like to double with this hand because it distorts the shape


Duncan Smith


2NT 2nt without a heart stopper feels like the least of evils. Don't you ever have an easy problem?


Bryan Maksymetz


3D  Bidding 2NT if pard has a H stopper might work well.


Alex Fowlie


3D  As a true Canadian, I should bid 2NT.  “Who needs a stopper?”  But I’m not quite up to that, so 3D seems the only choice.  I wouldn’t double with this shape without a much better hand.


Ken Penton


Dbl This does not promise spades at this point but rather decent values.Lebhansol helps us get to the right contract here.


2NT  The art of lying. You have a choice of lies as all bids fall thru the cracks. Make the lie that has the best chance to get to game. You would have opened 1NT so given the nature of weak 2’s in today’s game & you are in the balancing seat , bid partners heart stoppers for her. 3 does not show a flat 17 HCP & double is even worse. RHO might have re-pre-empted with hearts or they may lead an off suit and you scamper home with 9 tricks.


VOTES:  2NT (3)     3 (3)       DBL (2)



Problem #:   6;   Scoring:   IMPS; Vul:  Both;   Dealer:   North














Doran Flock


Dbl  It seems to me that double, 1nt or 2H could all work. I think double is less risky. Would not disagree with any of the three bids.


BJ Trelford


1NT Tell partner my point count and that I am flat with one bid. The heart suit is bad and I have support for both minors.


Kiz Fung


1NT  Get the point range and distribution of my hand off my chest immediately. 


Duncan Smith


1NT I slightly prefer 1nt to double. I think so little of a 2 heart bid that I would sooner pass.


Bryan Maksymetz


1NT  Anytime one can bid NT to show a balanced 15 to 18 is a great way to start a hand. If the auction goes 2S P P will Dbl for takeout. I really like the European 1NT negative over 1S DBL P (0 to 7). 2 of a suit =7+ to 10.


Alex Fowlie


2H  I'm VUL at IMPs again, so I’ll take my best shot at game even though my hearts are awful.  If they double, I may have enough side tricks to make 2H.  Maybe I’ll get to make a takeout double of 2S next which would about show this hand.


Ken Penton


1NT  The same bid I'd make in any opening position.


1NT  As the panel says , when you have a chance to describe your hand in one bid , do it. As Bryan says,  it’s a great starting point and simplifies auctions.


VOTES : 1NT (6)      2 (1)        DBL (1)



Problem #:   7;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   N/S;   Dealer:   North

























Doran Flock


3S  Ptnr must be very good to bid over 2D, my two aces are gold ... so i will invite game. I originally bid 3hts, but on reflection think this should show something in hearts. Ptnr is not necessarily looking for 3nt here, but if he is my 3S bid will not confuse. 


BJ Trelford


3S  Too much not to try for game. 3 spades is a cue bid. If partner has hearts stopped we could have 9 tricks in nt. If partner has heart shortness then 5 of a minor is reasonable.


Kiz Fung


3S I really like my hand. Let's try for 3NT or 5 of a minor partner.


Duncan Smith


4C Whatever partner has in mind , I think this bid will help her the most.


Bryan Maksymetz


3H  Grope for 3NT. Pard may have x Kx AQJxx KQJxx.


Alex Fowlie


4C Partner has shown a good 55 in the minors.  Even though it’s matchpoints, I’m raising.  One of the majors will be our downfall at 3NT.


Ken Penton


3H Let's see if we can play 3NT-if not partner will read I've invitational values after I gave him a simple preference at 2D


3    3 is an impossible bid with this auction. If you had heart values & the cards to bid again , you would bid 3NT. 3 can only mean one thing . You have a 4♣ bid but do not want to bypass 3NT. Your Aces can be gold for 3NT & 9 tricks.


VOTES: 3 (3)     4♣ (2)     3(3)



Problem #:   8;   Scoring:   Matchpts;   Vul:   E/W;   Dealer:   West























* 0 or 1 control

    What is your opening lead ?





Doran Flock


H5  East knows they are off two aces and bids slam opposite what could be a zero count. I am not inclined to lead an Ace in front of this bidder, and hope between dummy and ptnr that I will not have problems discarding.



BJ Trelford


SA Matchpoints. I can't afford to have one of my aces disappear or the opening lead to get ruffed. This is the one most likely to cash. Partner may have the king for the setting trick. This allows me to take a look at dummy.



Kiz Fung


SA When leading blind, and with some knowledge that declarer probably has a void somewhere, I would like to cash the ace that is most likely to cash which is my short suit ace.



Duncan Smith


H5 A trump against a gigantic 2 suiter is seldom wrong.



Bryan Maksymetz


H5  Aces not likely to disappear - or to cash.



Alex Fowlie


SA  It looks like East is void in one of the pointed suits (spades or diamonds).  Since a spade void is less likely, I’ll try the A of spades and hope that seeing dummy and partner’s signal will give me an idea of what to do next (if it isn’t already too late after leading an unsupported Ace, as it often is).


Ken Penton


H5  I do not want one of my aces trumped. Let him play the hand and if they are cashing I'm optimistic I'll get a second chance. Appears east has taken bidding lessons from Rick Tewari!



H5  In Blackjack , the house has the edge . This is due in part because the player must make the first play & may break. Why guess which Ace to cash as advantage declarer ( the house)  ? As Duncan says , a trump is seldom wrong in these kind of auctions.


VOTES: SA (3)        H5 (5)